Alexander the Great

  • 356 BCE

    Was born

  • 343 BCE

    Was being tutored by Aristole

  • 340 BCE

    Alexander completed his education

  • 338 BCE

    Alexander took charge of the Companion Cavalry

  • 336 BCE

    Became king of Macedonia

  • 335 BCE

    Alexander conquered the Thracian Triballians

  • 334 BCE

    He attacked the Persians

  • 332 BCE

    Crowned pharaoh in Persia

  • 328 BCE

    Alexander defeated King Porus' armies in northern India

  • 327 BCE

    Alexander crossed the Indus River and wanted to push deeper into China

  • 325 BCE

    Alexander made it back to Greece

  • 323 BCE

    The year he died