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Alexander the Great

  • 336 BCE

    Alexander becomes king

    After his father is murdered by a bodyguard Alex becomes the king of Greece and Macedonia
  • 334 BCE

    Battle of Granicus

    Alexander sets out to conquer the land of Persia, Persian king Darius, not taking him seriously, sends out a few other generals to stop him. Alexander wins the battle quickly and continues moving
  • 333 BCE

    Battle of Issus

    Alexander fights Darius at Issus, Darius fled and escaped but Alex captured his wife and kids
  • 331 BCE

    Battle of Guagamela

    Alexander's final battle with the Persians, Darius saw that he couldn't win (again) and tries to flee. This time Darius dies and Alexander wins the battle, which made him the king of Persia
  • 331 BCE

    Conquering Egypt

    After Conquering Persia Alex decided to conquer more land east. He conquered Egypt and founded a town there named "Alexandria"
  • 324 BCE

    Alexander dies

    On the way back to Greece from India Alexander became ill and died Babylon. He was just 32 years old, some people suspect he was poisoned.
  • 324 BCE

    Alexander conquers 11,000 miles of land

    In an 11 year conquest Alexander conquers 11,000 miles worth of land, from Persia to Indus India, the conquest ended in 324 BC after Alex's soldiers grew tired and asked to go home
  • Period: 323 BCE to

    Alexander's legacy

    After Alexander died the people of the lands he had conquered developed a new culture that blended Greek culture with their own, it was called the Hellenistic culture. This new culture began the Hellenistic era