Alexander The Great

  • Period: 359 BCE to 338 BCE

    King Philip conquered Greece

    After ruling Macedonia from 359-336 B.C, King Philip II ( Alexanders Father) took over Greece in 338 B.C
  • 336 BCE

    After King Philip's demise his son, Alexander The Great becomes King.

    After King Philip's demise his son, Alexander The Great becomes King.
    As previously stated, Alexander turned into king after King Philip's demise. Alexander becomes king at just 20 years old.
  • 333 BCE

    Alexander's second battle against Persia.

    Alexander's second battle against Persia.
    Alexander continued to try and conquer Persia, he launched his second attack, the battle took place at Isus, King darius fled and however Alexander managed to kidnap King Darius' wife and children.
  • 331 BCE

    Final battle against Persia

    Final battle against Persia
    When the final against Persia unleashed, King Darius fled due to fear of being defeated, he later died and Alexander became king of Persia.
  • 323 BCE

    The Downfall of Alexander The Great

    The Downfall of Alexander The Great
    Returning from India, Alexander carried a terminal disease that later ended his life in Babylon,Iraq.
  • 331

    Alexander conquered Egypt

    Alexander conquered Egypt
    After Alexander conquered Persia, he conquered Egypt, proclaiming himself as the son of Hyperion (Greek god the sun) and founding the city of Alexandria.
  • 333

    King Darius' attempted peace treaty.

    King Darius' attempted peace treaty.
    King Darius requested Alexander for his family to be returned in exchange of half of the Persian Empire, Alexander refused and challenged King Darius to proceed with the fight.
  • 334

    Alexander launches first attack to Persia.

    Alexander launches first attack to Persia.
    2 years after he became king, Alexander pursued his father's dreams of conquering and ruling Persia. Underestimated by King Darius, Alexander won the first battle against Persia, The battle of the Granicus.
  • 336

    The downfall of King Philip II

    The downfall of King Philip II
    King Philip II dies at the hands of a bodyguard.