357 BCE
Marriage of Olympias to Philip 2 of Macedonia -
356 BCE
Birth of Alexander
He is born in pella Macedonia to king Philip 2 -
346 BCE
war an his horse
Alexander tames Bucephalus his war horse -
343 BCE
Aristotle becomes tutor of young Alexander.
King Philip II of Macedon summons Aristotle to tutor his young son Alexander (later 'The Great').
Aristotle becomes tutor of young Alexander.
The Battle of Charonea gives Athens to the Macedonian victors. Agora takes on Macedonian characteristics. -
338 BCE
Battle of Chaeronea
the battle of Chaeronea was fought in 338 BC near the city of chaeronea in boetia between the macedonians led by philip 2 of macedon and an allience of some of the greek city-states including athens and thobes -
335 BCE
Alexander celtic
Alexander the great receives Celtic ambassadors in the Balkans -
334 BCE
Alexander invades the Persian empire.
Alexander invades the Persian empire. Ephesons liberated from Persian rule by Alexander the great . Alexander the great sacks bealbek and renames it Heliopolis. -
332 BCE
Alexander the Great conquers Syria and turns toward Egypt.
Alexander the Great visits the Oracle of Ammon at Siwa and is declared "master of the Universe" and son of Ammon. Conquest of the Levant by Alexander the Great who destroys Tyre. -
331 BCE
Alexander moves
Alexander moves from one major Persian city to the next conquering Babylon on October 18 -
330 BCE
Persepolis Alexander
Persepolis is burned and looted by Alexander the Great. -
329 BCE
Alexander conquers Bactria and Sogdiana.
Alexander the great founds Alexandria eschate on the laxarte and destroys cytropolis .Alexander conquers bactrian and sogdiana -
328 BCE
Alexander becomes drunk
suffering from the tensions of warfare at banquet in the fall -
327 BCE
In the Summer
On eastern Iran and capturing prince of Oxyarats and Alexander marries Roxanne ,the princes daughter -
326 BCE
Alexander and his troops
Alexander and his troops cross the Hindu Kush into north india -
323 BCE
Death of Alexander
he dies of a fever in Babylon on his way back to Greece