Alexander the great

  • 356 BCE

    Brth of Alexander

    Brth of Alexander
    He is born in pella macedonia to king philip 2
  • 343 BCE

    Philip hires the Greek Philosopher

    Philip hires the Greek Philosopher
    Aristotle teaches Alexander to appreciate philosophy, geography, Greek poetry and scientific investigation.
  • 340 BCE

    Alexander Finishes Studying

    Alexander Finishes Studying
    Alexander Finishes Studying under Aristotle and joins his father's army .
  • 338 BCE

    The Macedonian meet Athenians

    The Macedonian meet Athenians
    The Macedonian meet Athenians and Thebans in Battle of Chaeronea
  • 336 BCE

    Philip celebrates.

    In October 336 BCE Philip celebrates his upcoming departure to attack Persia
  • 335 BCE

    The Thracians and Illyrians rise up the rebelion

    This inspires the Greek city-state of Thebes rebel,and Alexander quickly besieged the city and razes it to the ground
  • 334 BCE

    Macedonia bankrupt.

    Alexander borrows money to supply his troops for one month for Asia
  • 333 BCE

    Alexander spends the winter.

    Alexander spends the winter of 333 BCE at Gordium,in present- day Turkey.
  • 331 BCE

    Conquers of Alexander

    In 331 BCE he creates the city of Alexandria.
  • 331 BCE

    Alexander moves

    Alexander moves from one major Persian city to conquering Babylon on October 18,331 BCE
  • 329 BCE

    Alexander troops cross the Hindu Kush

    They defeat king pours, leader of a kingdom east of the Hydaspes River
  • 328 BCE

    Alexander becomes drunk.

    Suffering from the tension of warfare and command,Alexander becomes drunk at a banquet in the fall
  • 323 BCE

    Death of Alexander

    Death of Alexander
    Dies of fever in June 323, at the age of 32.