Alexander The Great

  • Period: 357 BCE to 357 BCE

    Marriage of Olympias to Phillip II of Macedonia

  • Period: 356 BCE to 323 BCE

    Life of Alexander The Great

  • Period: 346 BCE to 346 BCE

    Alexander tames Bucephalus, his war horse.

  • Period: 343 BCE to 343 BCE

    King Phillip II of Macedon summons Aristotle to tutor his young son Alexander

  • Period: 339 BCE to 339 BCE

    Alexander wins decisive battle at Iaxartes river against the Scythians

  • Period: 338 BCE to 338 BCE

    The Battle of Charonea gives Athens to Macedonian victors. Agora takes on Macedonian Characteristics

  • Period: 336 BCE to 323 BCE

    Reign of Alexander The Great

  • Period: 335 BCE to 335 BCE

    Alexander The Great receives Celtic ambassadors in the Balkans.

  • Period: 334 BCE to 334 BCE

    Sardis surrenders to Alexander The Great

  • Period: 334 BCE to 323 BCE

    Campaigns of Alexander The Great

  • Period: 334 BCE to 324 BCE

    Antipater is regent of Macedon in Alexander's absence

  • Period: 334 BCE to 334 BCE

    Alexander invades the Persian empire.

  • Period: 334 BCE to 334 BCE

    Ephesos liberated from Persian rule by Alexander The Great

  • Period: 334 BCE to 334 BCE

    Alecander sacks Baalbek and renames it Heliopolis

  • Period: 333 BCE to 333 BCE

    Alexander sacks Sidon

  • Period: 333 BCE to 333 BCE

    Alexander conquers Aleppo

  • Period: 332 BCE to 332 BCE

    Alexander visits the Oracle of Ammon at Swia and is declared "master of the Universe" and son of Ammon

  • Period: 332 BCE to 332 BCE

    Conquest of the Levant by Alecander who destroys Tyre

  • Period: 332 BCE to 332 BCE

    Alexander besieges and conquers Tyre

  • Period: 332 BCE to 332 BCE

    Alexander conquers Syria and turns toward Egypt

  • Period: 331 BCE to 331 BCE

    Battle of Gaugamela. Alexander calls himself "King of Asia"

  • Period: 331 BCE to 331 BCE

    Alexander founds Alexandria at the port town of Rhakotis in Egypt

  • Period: 331 BCE to 331 BCE

    Egypt is conquered by Alexander without resistance

  • Period: 331 BCE to 331 BCE

    Susa surrenders without contest to Alexander

  • Period: 330 BCE to 330 BCE

    Persepolis is burned and looted by Alexander

  • Period: 329 BCE to 329 BCE

    Alexander founds Alexandria-Eschate on the Iaxartes and destroys Cyropolis

  • Period: 329 BCE to 329 BCE

    Alexander conquers Bactria and Sogdiana

  • Period: 327 BCE to 327 BCE

    Alexander marries the Bactrian girl Roxanne

  • Period: 327 BCE to 325 BCE

    Alexander's campaign in northern India

  • Period: 326 BCE to 326 BCE

    Alexander halts his eastward march and turns back from the banks of the river Beas, Punjab, India.

  • Period: 326 BCE to 326 BCE

    Death of Bucephalus

  • Period: 325 BCE to 320 BCE

    Greek rule in Gandhara, ending some time after the death of Alexander

  • Period: 324 BCE to 324 BCE

    Alexander orders restoration work in Pasargadae

  • Period: 324 BCE to 324 BCE

    Death of Hephaestion

  • Period: 323 BCE to 323 BCE

    Alexander receives Celtic delegations in Babylon

  • Period: 322 BCE to 275 BCE

    The Wars of the Diadochi, also known as the Wars of Alexander's Successors

  • Period: 316 BCE to 316 BCE

    Death of Olympias, mother of Alexander

  • Period: 310 BCE to 310 BCE

    Assassination of Roxanne ans Alexander IV, wife and son of Alexander The Great

  • Period: 333 to 333 BCE

    Battle of Issus. Alexander is victorious against Darius III of Persia