Alexander the Great

  • 356 BCE

    Birth of Alexander

    Birth of Alexander
    Alexander was born in Pela, Mancedonia to King Philip ll.
  • 343 BCE

    Aristotle is Hired to Teach Alexander

    Aristotle is Hired to Teach Alexander
    Aristotle is hired by King Philip ll to teach Alexander the Great philosophy, geography, Greek Poetry, and scientific investigation.
  • 340 BCE

    Alexander Joins His Father's Army

    After three years of being mentored by Aristotle, Alexander joins his father's army. Which at the time, King Philip ll controls all the Greek city-states except Athens and Thebes. He plans to invade the Persian Empire by uniting the Macedonians and Greeks
  • 338 BCE

    Alexander in Battle at Chaeronea

    The Macedonians meet the Athenians and Thebans in a battle at Chaeronea. Alexander would lead the fight against the Thebans, while his father leads the fight against the Athenians. They would be victorious and have all the Greek city-states under their belt except for Sparta.
  • 336 BCE

    Alexander Becomes King of Macedonia

    Philip is joyful of his upcoming plans to take over Persia, as he is also glad his daughter Cleopatra will soon be married. However, he is assassinated by a bodyguard in the theater of Agae. Alexander would take over as king at age 20.
  • 335 BCE

    Alexander Power as King

    The Thracians and Illyrians rise up in rebellion which inspire other Greek city-states of Thebes are inspired to do the same, however, Alexander besieges the city and razes it to the ground. The inhabitants are either sold to slavery, proving that he has the same power as his father. Afterwards, Alexander plans his campaign against the Persians to accomplish his father dreams.
  • 334 BCE

    Alexander Begin to Conquer Persian Cities

    As Macedonia is bankrupt, Alexander borrows money for a month to depart from Asia. Alexander would make it to against the Persians at the Grancius River. Alexander troops would continue to travel after the Persians retreat and make it across the southern coast toward Gordium. As they move, they take over a number of cities under Persian rule.
  • 333 BCE

    Alexander and His Troops Spend Winter in Gordium

    As they spend the cold winter in Gordium, Alexander solves the puzzle of the Gordian Knot. Whomever were to solve it would rule all of Asia.
  • 331 BCE


    Alexander the great creates the city Alexandria, which is the hub of Greek culture and commerce. He then would battle Darius, who is the king of the Persians. Alexander is too powerful for him, and Darius orders his troops to retreat. Alexander would conquer Babylon in October.
  • 328 BCE

    Alexander's Turning Point

    Alexander became drunk at a banquet and would get into to a argument with the man who saved his life at the battle of Granicus, Cleitus. He would accidentally murder his companion by stabbing him with a spear, and now feels bad. Officers would start fearing him.
  • 327 BCE

    Alexander's Marriage

    After conquering eastern Iran and capturing Prince Oxyartes, Alexander would marry the prince's daughter Roxane. This resembles a political alliance and an insult to Barsine
  • 326 BCE

    Alexander's Troops Take Down King Porus

    As his troops cross the Hindu Kush into northern India, where they would King Porus. Whom is the is the leader of a kingdom east of the Hydaspes River.
  • 325 BCE

    Alexander's Troops Refuse to Travel Further

    After several months in India, his army refuses to travel anymore, so he is forced to return to Babylon.
  • 324 BCE

    Alexander's Final Years

    Alexander tries to consolidate his power in his empire. He is trying to set his new campaign but becomes ill
  • 323 BCE

    Death of Alexander

    Dies in Babylon of a fever