Alexander the Great

  • 356 BCE

    Birth of Alexander

    Alexander is born in Pella Macedonia king phillip ll
  • 340 BCE

    Age of Alexander finishes studying

    At age of 16 Alexander finishes studying under Aristotle and joins his father army.
  • 338 BCE

    The mecedonians meet the Athenians and Thebans in battle of chaerona

    Alexander leads the attack against the Thebans will his feather leads the attack against the athenians
  • 338 BCE

    the mecedonians meet the athenians and thebans in battle of chaerona

    Alexander leads the attack against the Thebans whilehi father lads the attack against the Athens
  • 336 BCE

    Philip celebrates upcoming departure to attack persia as well the marriage of his dauther cleopatra

    however one of his bodyguards assassinate him in the theater of agee
  • 336 BCE

    celebrates hus upcoming departure to attack persian

    however one of his bodyguards assassinate him in the theater at age. Alexander became king of macadamia at the age of 20.
  • 335 BCE

    thransians illirians rise up religion

    this inspire the Greek city state f these to rebel and alexander quickly besieges the city and razes into the graund.
  • 323 BCE

    Death of Alexander

    Dies of a fever in Babylon on his way back t greece
  • 334

    Alexander leads the mecedonia army against the persian at the granicus river

    After savage fighting the Persia retract and alexander army moves across the southern coast of Asia toward Gordium.
  • 343

    Alexander to be physically tough

    Phillip hires the Greek philosopher Aristotle to tutor Alexander. over the next years, Aristotle teaches to appreciate philosophy geography Greek poetry an scientific investigation.