356 BCE
In 356 bc at pella in Macedonia -
342 BCE
Being thought by Aristotle
In 343 -
340 BCE
Finishes learning with Aristotle
In 340 at age 16 -
338 BCE
In August 338 B.C., the Macedonians meet the Athenians and Thebans in battle at Chaeronea. Alexander leads the attack against the Thebans, while his father leads the attack against the Athenians -
336 BCE
New king
Alexander becomes king of Macedonia at the age of 20. -
334 BCE
More war
In June 334 B.C., Alexander leads the Macedonian army against the Persians at the Granicus river -
333 BCE
Staying for awhile
Alexander spends the winter of 333 BCE at Gordium, in present-day Turkey -
331 BCE
new cities
in 331 bce he made a city known as Alexandria -
331 BCE
new land to conquer
he conquers one Perisan city at a time then gets Babalon in 331 bce -
328 BCE
turning up (gone wrong)
Alexander gets drunk and stabs his friend and it kills him in 328 bc -
327 BCE
he gets married to a princess at 327 bc -
326 BCE
no more its time to stop
they reach india and he wants to continue fighting but his troops say no more and the head back home at 326 bc -
323 BCE
he is dead and the empire crumbles in 323 bc