Desktop 1420844373

Alex tegi timeline briti kirjandusest 1830-1840 aastatest

  • Great fire destroyed houses of parliament

    Great fire destroyed houses of parliament
    fire is burning politicians
  • Houses of parliament construction starting

    new houses
  • Period: to

    Charles Dickens' 'Oliver Twist' is published

    Serial publication dates: I – February 1837 (chapters 1–2)
    II – March 1837 (chapters 3–4)
    XXIII – March 1839 (chapter 51)
    XXIV – April 1839 (chapters 52–53)
  • The first photograph taken, by Louis Daguerre in France and William Henry Fox-Talbot in Britain.

    The first photograph taken, by Louis Daguerre in France and William Henry Fox-Talbot in Britain.
  • People's Charter advocates social and political reform

    People's Charter advocates social and political reform
  • William IV died and his niece Victoria became Queen at the age of 18

    William IV died and his niece Victoria became Queen at the age of 18
  • Slavery is abolished in the British empire

    Slavery is abolished in the British empire
    first social justice warriors
  • London-Birmingham line opens and the railway boom starts

  • Period: to

    Britain defeated China in the Opium War and made China sign the Treaty of Nanking. Britain was given Hong Kong.

  • Prime Minister Viscount Melbourne resigns and sparks a political crisis

    Prime Minister Viscount Melbourne resigns and sparks a political crisis