Screenshot 2021 02 13 at 3.51.05 pm

Alex history of science

  • 12,000 BCE

    History of science Micro Bioagraphy

    History of science Micro Bioagraphy
    Various science history improvements
  • Period: 500 BCE to 1500 BCE

    Science in Middle Ages Europe

    1. Lasted from 500 CE to 1400
    2. Scientists were mostly rich nobles who were interested in the world outside of them
    3. Cathedrals were a technical wonder
    4. European universities took off before the plague
    5. Plague came from rats
  • 50

    First human to orbit the Earth

    First human to orbit the Earth
    First human on orbit Eath (Gagarin) Which led to so much more scientific advantages like the first landing of the moon and so much more!
  • 300


    Invention of Telescope which helped scientists around the world look at the planets and stars closer than ever before pretty much helping be one of the first things to be invented in modern science era.
  • 322

    Aristotles elemental model of cosmology

    Aristotles elemental model of cosmology
    Aristotles elemental model of cosmology helped form the basis of modern science by stating that elements aren´t and maybe havent always been in there pure form. this statement helped dissect different chemicals for years in the science community figuring our new elements everyday.
  • 500


    Copernicus was a philosopher who theorized and went against the system to claim that the earth was in fact not the center of the universe but that the Earth orbits the sun, Galileo built upon Copernicus’ theory also .
  • 1098

    Saint HildeBurg of Bingen

    Saint HildeBurg of Bingen
    Various events of Hildeburgs life
  • Period: 1300 to


  • 1452

    Leonardo Da Vinci

    Leonardo Da Vinci
    Life of Da Vinci
  • Period: 1473 to 1543

    1473 - 1543 copernicus

    Theory of Earth orbits the sun
  • 1543

    Where were they from, and/or where did they do their work?

    Where were they from, and/or where did they do their work?
    Copernicus was born in Poland, Torun and he also died in Poland but in Frombork he lived his entire life in Poland
  • Period: 1550 to

    Scientific Revolution

  • Theory of evolution by natural selection

    Theory of evolution by natural selection
    Theory of evolution by natural selection ( Darwin )Theory of evolution was probably one of the biggest steps towards Modern science theories explaining or atleast guessing why and how we humans all came to be.
  • Iron Tools

    Iron Tools
    First use of iron was being made from jewelry to weapons to so much more like currency it was a big improvement from stones!
  • Stone tools

    Stone tools
    The use of stones tools were finally being put to use making life just a bit easier for everyone