Alex Bauder Exploration Timeline

  • Nov 16, 1300


    I chose the following events in history because I thought that it best described exploration. The events I used had major effects in the world of sailing either by a main person who was first to sail in a new area, the discovery of different lands, the affect that things such as the black plague had and the advancement of different explporation technologies.
  • Nov 13, 1346

    The Black Death

    The Black Death
    A plague that kills 25 million people or one third of the Western population. The plague gave the remaining people money and lands. It gave people the want to explor.
  • Nov 15, 1347


    The first guns appear in Europe. This invention allows people to conquer other easier which makes them want to expand further.
  • Nov 15, 1390


    In 1390 an author, Geoffrey Chaucer, publishes a book explianing how to use the astrolable which is a sailing instrument. This allowed more people to learn how to sail easier.
  • Nov 15, 1400

    Sailing Improvements

    Sailing Improvements
    During the 1400s they made some major improvements on the ships. For example they changed from square sails to triangular sails. This gave them more contol.
  • Nov 15, 1406

    Ptolmey's Map

    Ptolmey's Map
    The best exsisting map as of second century. This map is what makes Columbus believe that you can sail across the Atlantic and reach Asia.
  • Nov 15, 1420

    Spanish Caravels

    Spanish Caravels
    The Spanish build the first Caravels. They were smaller and faster ships that mostly only the Spanish used.
  • Nov 15, 1420


    In 1420 an Asia ships rounds the Cape of Good Hope to become the first Asian ship in the Atlantic Ocean.
  • Nov 15, 1465

    Navigation by the stars

    Navigation by the stars
    Navigation by the stars is greatly improved in 1465. This is important for sailing because it helps them figure where they are at sea more percicely.
  • Nov 15, 1497

    Vasco De Gama

    Vasco De Gama
    In 1497-1498 the Spainard, Vasco De Gama, rounds the tip of Africa to reach India. This was a huge accomplishment for the Spanish because noow they could trade directly with India and not pay the added taxes by others.
  • Nov 15, 1498


    In 1498 Columbus sails across the Atlantic Ocean and discovers what he beileves to be Asian. What he actually found was the Americas though.
  • Nov 16, 1514


    Smallpox was brought to the Americas by the Europeans in the early 1500's. Smallpox killed of many of the Native American population. This made a big impact on the Europeans because they were using the Native Americans for slave labor in their mines and plantations.
  • Nov 16, 1520


    The Portugal, Megellan, was the first to sail around Cape Horn into the Pacific Ocean.
  • Nov 16, 1522


    In 1522 Megellan became the first person to sail around the entire world.
  • Spanish Armanda

    Spanish Armanda
    In 1588 the Spanish goes to battle with England over seas. The Spanish armanda is defeated by Sir Francis Drake. Making England the worlds greatest sea power.
  • Austialia

    In 1606 the Dutch exployers discover the continet of Australia. This was a big discovery because all this time there was this large land mass that no one in Europe knew about.