
  • Problems

    And despite the passage of alcohol prohibition in 1920, more and more Americans were getting drunk before sliding behind the wheel.
  • One chance

    One chance
    A doctor and researcher in Los Angeles by the name of Dr. Emil Bogen conducted a landmark study in 1927 on how to scientifically determine inebriation
  • The Post-Prohibition Surge

    The Post-Prohibition Surge
    By the early 1930s, more and more researchers in the United States and Europe were becoming interested in different ways to test for intoxication. And for good reason.
  • ¿Test?

    Dr. Rolla N. Harger first announced his own method for measuring alcohol by means of a breath test in 1931.
  • Test works

    Test works
    By 1938, Harger had a working device that was being tested by the Indiana State Police
  • Firts real test

    Firts real test
    The first real-world test of Harger’s device was conducted by the Indiana State Police on December 31, 1938—75 years ago today.
  • The modern sistem

    The modern sistem
    the invention of the modern breathalyzer in the 1950s, determining if someone was too intoxicated to operate a motor vehicle was incredibly subjective
  • The Bad Old Days

    After World War I, the car was becoming increasingly popular on American roads.
  • Boozer Boom

    America saw another explosion in automobile ownership after WWII, as expansion of the suburbs caused many people to drive greater distances (with and without a drink) than ever before.But testing for intoxication was incredibly controversial, even in the 1950s.
  • Enter the Breathalyze

    Enter the Breathalyze
    In 1954 Robert F. Borkenstein invented the Breathalyzer. Borkenstein had been hired as a police photographer at the Indiana State Police Lab in 1936, and quickly became interested in drunk driving thanks to the work of Harger and his Drunkometer.
  • The better idea

    The better idea
    A 1955 article in the Virginia Law Review by Edwin Conrad explained that the concerns about push button justice were even larger than just one issue.—such as improved photographic technology, radar for measuring traffic speeds, and yes, Drunkometers for determining a driver’s level of intoxication—should be embraced to move society and the field of criminal justice forward.
  • The invent

    The invent
    The proyect talk about an alcoholimeter than block the car when it detect the alcohol in your sistem and dont star the car to prevent a accident