The Federal Government under the Civil Rights act of 1957 directs Terrell county to allow Blacks to register to vote.
The Federal Government under the Civil Rights act of 1957 directs Terrell county to allow Blacks to register to vote -
SNCC field secretaries begin voter registration drives.
The Albany Movement, a coalition of local and national Black organizations is formed.
First mass march occurs when students march from ASC campus to city hall
MLK Jr. leads 264 African Americans in a marched as as the Freedom March
US District Judge declares racial segregation in voting procedures in Albany to be unconstitutional
Albany Movement organizes boycott of city buses
Hundreds if White and Black college students from across the USA arrive in Albany to helo SNCC with voter registration
Federal Judge issues injuction against further demonstrations in Albany especially marching.
Federal injunction lifted allowing MLK Jr and Albany Movement to march resulting in 217 arrested
MLK Jr. states "segregation is on it's deathbed in Albany"
Albany city officials close libraries, parks and pools to avoid integration
Black churches burned to discourage voter registration
KKK rally draws 1,000 people to Albany
Attorneys sue to desegregate Dougherty county schools but loose
US Attorney General announces indictments of leaders connected to illegal boycott of local stores.