Alayna and Zacks project

  • Voyage of Perez

    Voyage of Perez
    The first voyage was Juan José Pérez Hernández of the frigate Santiago. Although intending to reach Alaska, the expedition turned back at the Queen Charlotte Islands. Pérez and his crew of 86 were the first Europeans to visit the Pacific Northwest.
    I chose a picture of The Queen Charlotte Islands to represent where Juan and his crew first landed.
  • Voyage of Heceta and Bodega y Quadra

     Voyage of Heceta and Bodega y Quadra
    In 1775 a second voyage of ninety men was led by Lieutenant Bruno de Heceta on the Santiago. It set sail from San Blas, Nayarit on March 16, 1775 with orders to make clear Spanish claims for the entire northwestern Pacific Coast. I chose a coin that has a picture of Bogeda y Quadra for the picture.
  • Settlement in Nootka Sound

    Settlement in Nootka Sound
    After the 1788 voyage to Alaska, Martínez and Haro were told to preemptively take possession of Nootka Sound before the Russians or British could. Events at Nootka Sound in 1789 lead to the Nootka Crisis. By the end of the year Martínez abandoned Nootka Sound.
  • Voyage of Malaspina and Bustamante

    Voyage of Malaspina and Bustamante
    The King of Spain told Alejandro Malaspina and José de Bustamante y Guerra to go on an around-the-world scientific expedition with two corvettes, the Descubierta and Atrevida. One of the king's demands was to investigate a possible Northwest Passage. The expedition was also to search for gold, precious stones, and any American, British, or Russian settlements along the northwest coast. They arrived in Alaska in 1791. I chose a picture of The Two Corvettes.
  • Spanish base in Nootka Sound

    Spanish base in Nootka Sound
    The Nootka Crisis became a big international incident almost leading to war between Britan and Spain. The Viceroy of New Spain decided it was important to establish a permanent base at Nootka Sound. Three ships sailed to Nootka Sound, with Francisco de Eliza as the major commander and captain of the Concepción. I chose a picture of the seizure of Colnett. Because it was going on during the Nootka Crisis.
  • Voyage of Galiano and Valdés

    Dioniso Alcala Galiano and Cayetano Valdés y Flores, sailed from San Blas to Nootka Sound then proceeded around Vancouver Island. I chose a picture of Dioniso Alcala Galiano because he had a big part in the expedition.
  • Peninsular War

    Peninsular War
    The Peninsular War was a war between France and the allied powers of Spain, the United Kingdom, and Portugal for control of the Iberian Peninsula during the Napoleonic Wars. The war began when French and Spanish armies crossed Spain and invaded Portugal in 1807. Then, in 1808, France turned on its ally, Spain. The war lasted until the Sixth Coalition defeated Napoleon in 1814.I chose this picture because it's a painting of The Peninsular War. This event also relates to the P in PERSIA.
  • Spain Legacy

    Spain withdrew from the North Pacific and transferred it's claims in the region to the United States in the Adams-Onís Treaty of 1819. Today, Spain's legacy in Alaska and the Pacific Northwest is a number of places and names, such as names, Malaspina Glacier, Revillagigedo Island and the towns of Valdez and Cordova. I chose a picture of The Adam-Onis treaty and the land claimed by the U.S before and after the treaty.