Compromise of 1850
Five laws were passed in 1850 that had to deal with the issue of slavery. The compromise of 1850 didnt resolve the issue of slavery. it caused the north to get california as a free state, slave trade prohibited in washington d.c, and texas loses boundary dispute with mexico. in the south they got no slavery restrictions in utah or new mexico territories, slave holding allowed in washigton d.c,fugitive slave law, and texas got 10 million dollars. -
Publication of uncle tom's cabin
This was an antislavery novel by american author harriet beecher stowe. This novel was written to show how slavery affected many people back then and how it would feel if you were in that situation. The book was mostly about a character named uncle tom a long suffering black slave who went through slavery also how he made it to escape from the people who held him as a slave. -
Kansas-Nebraska Act
The purpose of this act was to open up new farms and make a transcontinetal railroad. it became a problem when popular sovereignty was written into affect so the voters can choose wether slavery would be allowed. some people wanted slavery up others wanted slavery down this resulted in a bloody civil war. -
Brooks/summer Affair
was a leader of the antislavery forces in massachssets and a leader of the radical republicans. there was a fight between charles summer and brooks for slavery in the united states. -
Bleeding kansas
There was alot of violence in the kansas territory wether it would be a slave sate or a free state.The act of 1854 let the state decide by itself if it was going to be a slave state or a free state by popular sovereignty. thousands of people after that went to the kansas state and started to cause chaos. these people were known as pro and anti slavery people. -
Dred Scott Decision
was a decision that people of african decendants slave or not that were brought into the united states were not protected from by constitution. The court also dclared the missouri compromise uncostitutional. -
John Brown's raid
Was an attempt by white abolitionists john brown to start an armed slaved revolt by seizing a united states arsenal at harpers ferry in virginia in 1859. Browns raid was defeated by a detachment o u.s marines. -
Election of 1860
was an election for the office of president of the united states and the imidiate impetus for the outbreak of the civil war. the united states have been divided because of slavery