Nascita / Born
Alan Turing nasce a Maida Vale, Londra, Uk
/ Alan Turing was born in Maida Vale, London, UK -
Amicizia / Friendship
Conosce il suo migliore amico Christopher Morcom
/ He meets his best friend Christopher Morcom -
King's College
Entra al King’s Collegge dove inizia a studiare la meccanica quantistica
/ He entered King's Colleges where he began studying quantum mechanics -
Laurea / Degree
Alan si laurea in matematica a pieni voti
/ Alan graduates with honours in mathematics -
“On Computable Numbers”
Pubblica “On Computable Numbers” nel quale tratta della macchina astratta
/ He published 'On Computable Numbers' in which he dealt with the abstract machine -
Government Code and Cypher School
Lavora presso Government Code and Cypher School dove decripta codici nazisti
/ He works at Government Code and Cypher School where he decrypts Nazi codes -
Automatic Computing Engine
Partecipa a costruzione dell’Automatic Computing Engine
/ Participates in the construction of the Automatic Computing Engine -
Computing Machinery and Intelligence
Pubblica sulla rivista Mind l’articolo Computing Machinery and Intelligence dove espone il test di Turing
/ He published the article Computing Machinery and Intelligence in the journal Mind where he expounded the Turing test -
Arresto / Arrest
Arrestato per omosessualità
/ Arrested for homosexuality -
Morte / Death
Muore a causa di auto-avvelenamento da cianuro di potassio
/ Death due to self-poisoning by potassium cyanide