Aug 3, 1492
Columbus discovers the Americas
Columbus sails to America with his three ships the Nina, the pinta and the Santa Maria, he hoped to find an all water route to India to make trade quicker but instead he discovered a new continent that would soon hold the greatest country in the world. -
13 Colonies were founded
British people who wanted religious freedom left England and traveled to the new continent that Columbus found so the English government couldn't control them. The English government didn't like that and keep fighting to try to control them.
(Didn't find actual month and date that they were founded) -
The French and Indian War
British Colonies vs the people of New France and Native Americans. New France and the British Colonies battled over a huge plot of land which contained many states including Ohio. The war ended with the Treaty of Paris. -
United States of America becomes a Country
After a long battle with the British the 13 colonies gained their freedom and independence. -
Moses Cleaveland arrives at what will later become Cleveland
In 1796, Moses Cleaveland discovers the area of what he will soon make Cleveland be located. Cleaveland was a great lawyer, surveyor, and politician, but his greatest achievement was founding the great U.S. city of Cleveland. -
U.S. Capitol Moved
On June 15 the Capitol of the United States was moved fro Philadeplhia to Washington D.C. The Capitol was moved to D.C. because the government wanted the Capitol to be closer to the Southern States. They felt Philadelphia placated the Southern States and that if it was in D.C. the country would be more connected. -
Ohio becomes the 17th State
Ohio was admitted to the Union and became a state in 1803. They were the 17th state admitted to the Union. Ohio becoming a state was important as they were another non-slavery state. -
Lewis and Clark set out to Explore the West
In 1804, Lewis and Clark set out to travel to the West to explore more land. They started in Missouri and searched for the Pacific Ocean. The trail they traveled on becomes known as the Oregon Trail and their expedition is one of the biggest events in U.S. history. -
General Simon Perkins acquires land which will soon become Akron
General Simon Perkins acquires land in Portage Summit which will soon become Akron. Later in 1811, him and Paul Williams, a plan out a map of the city and decide to build a town along the canal. -
War of 1812
The United States declares war on Britain as they were interfering with the American maritime shipping and westward expansion on June 18, 1812. During the War, the British were able to reach the White House and set fire to it. On December 24, 1814 , the Treaty of Ghent was signed and officially ended the war. -
Olivier Hazard Perry wins Battle of Lake Erie
Olivier Hazard Perry lead his troops to defeat the British in the Battle of Lake Erie on September 10, 1813. It was fought right off the coast of Lake Erie and is sometimes called the Battle of Put-In-Bay. -
Akron is Founded
In 1825, General Simon Perkins and settler named Paul Williams had the sight of creating a city on the highest point of the Ohio and Erie Canal. They founded Akron, which is a Greek word which means, "high point." At this time, its population was only 200 people. -
Ohio and Erie Canal Opens
In 1833, the Ohio and Erie Canal had finished being built. The canal costed about $10,000 per mile. It was thought to only cost a total of $2.9 million, but that was way off. Difficulties and advantages came with the new canal. Goods could now be shipped for much less money and travel was much easier and cheaper, but problems with flooding and the canal freezing came along. Flooding destroyed many homes and took out much property. -
Village of Cascade Founded
In 1833, the Village of Cascade was founded in Akron, Ohio. Also, North Akron and South Akron are separated by, "The Gore." -
North and South merge into one Akron
-In 1836, North and South Akron merged into one single village. Before these two merged into one village, there was a line dividing them called, "The Gore." Akron's population and economy grew after it became one village. -
Cleveland becomes A City
Cleveland became a city in 1836. Cleveland becoming a city is important as it puts Northeast Ohio on the radar for people who are looking for somewhere to move to. -
Summit County is Formed
Summit County is formed by the counties of Portage, Medina, and Stark. Akron is named as the county seat. Akron becomes known across Ohio and people are drawn to it. -
Sojourner Truth comes to Akron
Sojourner Truth travels to Akron to hold a convention for women's rights. It is held in the Old Stone Church in 1851. It becomes known as her, "Ain't I a Woman?" speech. -
John Brown Attacks Federal Arsenal
In 1859, John Brown attacked the Federal Arsenal in a raid on Harpers Ferry, VA. His goal was to spark a slave revolt, but it didn't happen as he expected and his plan for the attack wasn't the greatest plan. -
Civil War begins
The Civil War began in 1861. The Civil War was fought because of the South wanting to keep slavery and the North wanting to get rid of it. Slavery was a huge part of the United States at this time. Slavery separated the North and South and caused the Confederate States of America to be made. -
5 States secede from the Union
Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, and Louisiana all secede from the Union. They issue the Confederate States of America. This is a huge part of history as it will have impact on the Civil War. They secede from the Union as they feel they need to keep slavery in the Southern states. Jefferson Davis was the first president of the Confederacy. -
Buchtel College is Found
- Buchtel college was found in 1870 by John R. Buchtel. Buchtel college brought many people to Akron for the education it provided. Akron had a booming rubber industry, so Buchtel college had a course for rubber chemistry. Buchtel college is now the University of Akron.
Goodrich moves his Rubber Company to Akron
Goodrich decided to move his rubber company to Akron because of the stiff competition with other rubber companies In 1871. Residents in Akron actually raised money ($13,600) for him to move from New York to Akron bringing his rubber company along with him. His company eventually became known as the B.F. Goodrich rubber company, and was a leader in the rubber industry in the first half of the twentieth century. This event has a huge impact on why Akron is the "Rubber Capitol of the World." -
Akron's First Hospital is Made
Akron's first hospital was made in 1892. As the population was growing and the economy was bringing in more wealth, Akron knew it needed a hospital. Dr. Samuel Bartges homestead was converted to the hospital. -
Akron Police Department Created
In 1898, the Akron Police department was created as the Akron City Council passed an Ordinance to do away with the Marshal Court/Police system. -
Wright Brothers make first Flight
In 1903 the Wright Brothers made their first flight. The flight lasted 59 seconds and traveled a distance of 852 feet. This has had a huge impact on the world today as people travel by plane every day. This helped Akron as they could help produce rubber for the planes, causing more people to want jobs in Akron and Akron's economy grew. -
Harvey Firestone Agrees to Supply Tires for Ford
Harvey Firestone agreed to supply tires for cars produces by Henry Ford. This helped Firestone's business grow which also helped Akron grow. The rubber industry was booming in Akron at this point in time. -
Stan Hywet is Built
Stan Hywet Hall was built by F.A. and Gertrude Seiberling. Stan Hywet is one of Akron's most important museums and is a popular attraction year-round. Ten residents of this home were killed on the Titanic. -
Major Storm Strikes Akron
In 1913, a major storm hit Akron on Easter Sunday. It killed 5 Akron residents. It also destroyed the Ohio and Erie Canal, apbruptly ending the canal system. Total rainfall in Akron was estimated at 9.55 inches. -
Akron controls the Rubber Industry
Akron is known as the Rubber Capitol of the world in 1915. 4 of the largest rubber companies are headquartered here in Akron. These companies are Goodrich, Goodyear, Firestone, and General Tire. These companies had a huge impact on Akron as they sparked the economy to grow and provided local residents with many jobs. Many people moved to Akron just for a job in the rubber industry, which caused the population to grow. -
World War II
In 1939, World War II had began. World War II was great for Akron. The war was not fought on the land of Akron, and it brought many jobs for people in Akron. It caused the economy to rise as almost anyone could get a job, and it caused the population to grow.