I was born in Northern Virginia -
First Diwali
First Christmas
My first Christmas was a long time ago! -
Moved to Tampa
That was when I was ten months old -
Started walking on my own
That was 6 days after the Fourth of July! -
First birthday
First trip to NYC
First Festival
My first Festival was ChalkWalk! -
First Service Project
picking up trash in Tampa Bay -
First fishing trip
Learned how to play putt putt
with cousins -
First 5K race
6th Birthday
Avi was born
It was also the first day of first grade -
Math bowl contest
I got into the math bowl team/contest -
Turks & Caicos
When I was at Turks & Caicos I found & kept this really cool conch shell -
First day of second grade
The first day of second grade was my seventh birthday