About icon v1

Airware 2014

  • Period: to

    Andriy: Scheduler Refactoring

  • Period: to

    Oleh: Central DB & Service

  • Period: to

    Marjan: Licensing

  • Period: to

    Taras: Look & feel

  • Period: to

    Vasyl: Diary data

  • License manager Ready

  • Period: to

    Marjan: Survey Manager

  • Refactoring Ready

    Finishined refactoring of Scheduler. Though, as it is refactoring, you shouldn't see any changes (and that's good :)
  • Period: to

    Andriy: Blocking chart

  • Survey Manager Ready

    We'll have split DB back in place (in case of straight forward implementation)
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  • Central DB Ready

  • Blocking Chart Ready

    All functionality mostly done. Bugfixing and clean-up left
  • Dairy Data, Look & feel ready

  • Release