
  • The Wright Brothers invent the airplane

    The Wright Brothers invent the airplane
    The American inventors made the first powered, sustained, and controlled flight of an airplane.
  • First Military Aircrafts

    First Military Aircrafts
    In WW1 the US was in need of something high speed with higher altitude. That's when the Wright Brothers creation went into the US military.
  • First Airmail Service

    First Airmail Service
    It was 3 days faster than getting mail before that. It gaved people a chance to write their loved ones a letter.
  • The First Non-Stop Flight

    The First Non-Stop Flight
    British Capt. John Atloc k and Lt. Albert Brown made the first non stop flight.
  • The First Airport

    The First Airport
    The world's first airport was built in Croydon.
  • Amelia Earhart Crossed the Atlantic Ocean

    Amelia Earhart Crossed the Atlantic Ocean
    She was the first woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean. This was a very influential moment for females.
  • First Modern Airliner

    First Modern Airliner
    A plane with 2 engines and can hold 10 passengers, the 247 was a big moment in airplane history.
  • Air Force Created

    Air Force Created
    This was a big step because the military was flying jets as well.