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Airplane timeline

  • First powered airplane

    First powered airplane
    Orville and Wilbur Wright make the first powered and controlled airplane.
  • First solo trans-Atlantic flight

    First solo trans-Atlantic flight
    Charles A. Lindbergh is the first person to ever complete a solo, non-stop, trans-Atlantic flight. Going from Long Island, New York to Paris, France.
  • First jet engine

    First jet engine
    British inventor Frank Whittle creates the first-ever jet engine.
  • First jet propelled aircraft

    First jet propelled aircraft
    The Heinkel He 178 was the first ever jet-propelled aircraft to fly. German pilot Erich Warsitz flew it in 1939.
  • Sound barrier is broken

    Sound barrier is broken
    U.S. Air force pilot Charles "Chuck" Yeager is the first person to ever break the sound barrier in an aircraft.
  • First Boeing 747 is flown

    First Boeing 747 is flown
    Boeing conducts the first flight of a wide-bodied, commercial airliner, the Boeing 747, one of the most successful aircraft ever produced.
  • First non-stop flight around the world

    Dick Rutan and Jeana Yeager fly the first non-stop flight around the world, going from California to California.
  • First solo non-stop flight around the world

    First solo non-stop flight around the world
    Steve Fossett is the first person to ever fly across the world, non-stop, solo.
  • First fully electric airplane

    First fully electric airplane
    The world's first fully electric aircraft for commercial flight completes tests in Canada.