airplane development

  • first air balloon flight

    first air balloon flight
    The first flight was in Paris, France. The hot air balloon and creator pilot of it died in the mid ride do to an explosion
  • first airplane.

    first airplane.
    Wilbur and Orville Wright were the creators of this airplane. What influenced airplanes was birds and the way they fly.
  • first female pilot

    first female pilot
    she flew a total of 60 miles in a Baldwin red devil.
  • first commercial flight.

    first commercial flight.
    this flight was flown on the Boeing 247.
  • first flight across the Atlantic Ocean.

    first flight across the Atlantic Ocean.
    the first plane flew over the Atlantic was the NC-4
  • first flight over the north pole

    this flight took 15 hours and 30 minutes.
  • first flight over the south pole

    the flight took about 18 hours and 41 minutes.
  • first electric flight

    The aircraft was flown by Pascal Chretien (France) and hovered about 19 inches in above the ground for a little over two minutes.