Aircraft timeline

  • The Wright brothers flight

    The Wright brothers had invented the first successful airplane
  • First Take off from a ship

    Eugene Ely pilots a Curtiss biplane on the first flight to take off from a ship. Sparks the start of aircraft carriers and new war stategies
  • The Junkers J4, an all-metal airplane

    Hugo Junkers, a German professor of mechanics introduces the Junkers J4, an all-metal airplane built largely of a relatively lightweight aluminum alloy called duralumin.
  • First Jet Engine

    British inventor Frank Whittle invents the jet engine.
  • The Hindenburg Zeppelin

    245 metres (804 feet) long, was powered by four 1,100-horsepower diesel engines, giving it a maximum speed of 135 km (84 miles) per hour. this airship carried a total of 1,002 passengers on 10 scheduled round trips between Germany and the United States. Unfortunately in 1937 the hydrogen-inflated craft burst into flames and was completely destroyed, with a loss of 36 lives.
  • Breaking the speed of sound

    U.S. Air Force pilot Captain Charles "Chuck" Yeager becomes the fastest man alive when he pilots the Bell X-1 faster than sound for the first time on October 14 over the town of Victorville, California.
  • Lockheed SR-71 "Blackbird"

    Record average speed of 2200 mp/h or 3540 km/h
    Could fly from Las Angeles to Washington in 68 minutes
  • First Boeing 747

    One of the first Boeing 747 aircraft used by BOAC airlines for the London to New York service.
  • America's First Stealth Fighter: F-117 Nighthawk

    The aircraft was the worlds first operational stealth platform
  • First AirBus A380

    Can fit up to 853 people on board the plane