1783 The Montgolfier brothers launched the first hot air balloon
1852 The first airship, fitted with a steam engine was flown by Henri Giffard from Paris. The airship could only fly forward.
1903 The Wright Brothers made the first engine powered flight in 'The Flyer'. It flew for 12 seconds and travelled 37 metres.
1915 The first all metal plane was built by a German, Herman Junkers. It travelled at 170 km an hour.
1926 The first sea planeHaving one or two floats in place of the usual undercarriage this plane took off from, and landed on, water.
1930s Flying boats were used to cross oceans because aircraft could not carry enough fuel to travel long distances non-stop. Flying boats could fly between seaports and islands, refuelling as they went. They didn't need runways, and it was thought to be s
1940 The first practical helicopter which could carry passengers, was developed.
1969 Commercial jet liners were able to carry over 400 passengers
The largest passenger aircraft, (so far!) the double-decked, Airbus A380 can carry more than 800 passengers. ( until 2005 )