Air controller

By bjh2965
  • Training

    New hired air traffic controllers are trained at the FAA Academy. The Academy will give background information they need to know. After they graduate from the academy, trainees are assigned to an air traffic control as a development
  • Duties Air traffic controllers do:

    Duties Air traffic controllers do:
    Air Traffic controllers monitor and direct the movement of aircraft on the ground and in the air. They control all ground traffic at airports runways and taxiways. Also issue landing and takeoff instructions to pilots.
  • Job Propects

    Job Propects
    The competition for air traffic controller job is expected to be very strong, with many people applying for a relativity small number of jobs.
  • Important qualities for Air traffic controller

    Important qualities for Air traffic controller
    They must have good communication skills, concentration skills, decision-making skills, math skills, and problem-solving
  • Licenses, Certifications, and Registration

    Licenses, Certifications, and Registration
    All air traffic controllers must hold an Air Traffic Control Tower Operator Certificate or be appropriately qualified and supervised as stated in Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations. They must be at least 18 years old, fluent in English, and comply with all knowledge and skill requirements.
  • Air Traffic controllers do:

    Air Traffic controllers do:
    Air traffic controllers coordinate the movement of the aircraft from one place to the destination and land it safely.
  • Schedules

    Most air traffic controllers work full time, and some work extra hours. The FAA regulates the hours that air traffic controller have to work. They most not work for 10 straight hours and they must have 9 hour rest before they get back to work
  • Salary

    The median annual wage for air traffic controllers is $122,410. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $66,390, and the highest 10 percent earned more than is $172,680
  • Work Experience

    Work Experience
    Applicants may need to have up to 3 years of progressively responsible generalized work experience in any occupation, or a combination of work experience and college education.
  • Education

    To become air traffic controller they need typically need an assoicate's or a bachelor degree.They must have either 3 years of progressively responsible work experience and have completed 4 years of college.
  • Air traffic controller