Air and water pollution

  • The problems of poor urban air quality

    The problems of poor urban air quality
  • Public Health Act

    try and reduce smoke pollution in urban areas.
  • reduction in smog pollution in urban areas

  • Period: to

    urban air pollution levels often reached very high levels.

    uring foggy conditions, pollution levels escalated and urban smogs (smoke and fog) were formed. These often brought cities to a halt, disrupting traffic but more dangerously causing death rates to dramatically rise. The effects of this pollution on buildings and vegetation also became obvious.
  • Smoke Abatement Act

    Smoke Abatement Act
  • The Great London Smog

  • Period: to

    the Clean Air Acts

  • Period: to

    Air qulity improved

  • motor vehicles problem

    during the 1980s the number of motor vehicles in urban areas steadily increased and air quality problems associated with motor vehicles became more prevalent.
  • Period: to

    affects of lead pollution on human health,

    affects of lead pollution on human health,
  • Period: to

    he effects of other motor vehicle pollutants became a major concern.

    he effects of other motor vehicle pollutants became a major concern.