ancient egyptians kingdoms

  • Period: 2700 BCE to 2200 BCE

    the old kingdom

  • 2500 BCE

    olld kingdom

    kufu is the most famous pharaoh of old kingdom. pharaohs were considered to be gods and rulers of all the land.
  • 2500 BCE

    Old Kingdom

    Nobles were people from rich and powerful families. Also, they were right below pharaoh in society. (most nobles were priest) Farmers, slaves, and servants made up 80% of the society. Traders would acquire gold, copper, ivory, and stone.
  • 2400 BCE

    The afterlife

    The afterlife, or life after death. It was thought to be a happy place. They leave the heart in the body for the after life. The Kah is the persons life force. The method of mummification restores the body. Only elite or wealthy people get mummified.
  • 2300 BCE

    Older kingdom

    pyramids were to bury and show significance of the ruler (bigger the better). Four triangle shaped sides with a point on top. The great pyramid of Kufu. Egyptians used engineering to build pyramids. The Egyptians would use gravity,or clay to make sure all of the bricks would stay together.
  • 2200 BCE

    old kingdom

    Pyramids shape and size were symbolic to the pharaoh and his rule.Even after the pharaohs death the people believed they had to make the pharaoh happy in the afterlife.
  • 2200 BCE

    middlest kingdom

    But, at the same time ambitious nobles used there government positions to take power from all of the pharaohs. In time, nobles gained enough power to go after Egypt's pharaohs. By about 2200 the old kingdom did fall. For the next 160 years, local nobles would rule much of Egypt. During that time there would not be a ruler at all.
  • 2050 BCE

    middle kingdom

    The middle kingdom was a period of order and stability that lasted to about 1750 BC. Also, at the end of the old kingdom, the wealth and all of the power of the pharaohs declined.
  • 2050 BCE

    middle middle kingdom

    Finally, around 2050 BC a powerful pharaoh defeated all of his rivals. But, once again all of Egypt would still be untitled.
  • 1750 BCE

    the end of the middle kingdom

    Middle kingdom, was a period of order and stability that would last till 1750 BC. Toward the end of the middle kingdom Egypt would fall into order for the second time once again.
  • 1550 BCE

    new kingdom

    Ahmose gained power of the new kingdom. which was the new start of a whole other kingdom.when egypt hit its power and glory. The new kingdom lasted until 1550 to 1050 BC.
  • 1400 BCE

    the newest kingdom

    From now on Egypt had a way to prevent the invasions, they did it by blocking all of there possible trade routes. In that time they turned Egypt into an empire.
  • 1350 BCE

    newer newest kingdom

    As egypts empire expanded, so did the empires trade. They found lands that had many things for valuable trade. The pharaohs used money they gained to support arts and architecture.
  • 1050 BCE

    new kingdOM

    Egypt survived, but its empire in Asia was gone. Shortly after the invasions of the Hittites and the sea peoples, the new kingdom came to an end.
  • 1450

    newer kingdom

    Conquest and trade began to bring wealth to all of the pharaohs. After battling the hyksos, Egypts leaders feared any possible future invasions that could have ended up happening.
  • middler kingdom

    When it came to building pyramids it was very expensive around the middle kingdom time, and pharaohs could not collect enough taxes to keep up with all of there expenses.