Affective Computing Timeline

  • The term "artificial intelligence" was coined

    The term "artificial intelligence" was coined
    After WWII, a lot of effort and money was put toward researching and developing machine intelligence. During a conference in Dartmouth, the term “artificial intelligence” was coined. This is considered to be the start of the field. Many advances were made during this decade including the writing of the first AI program.
    AI History
  • Clippy

    In 1997, Microsoft launched “Clippit”, more commonly known as “Clippy”. Clippy was an office assistance interface which offered to help users based on probabilities of intent. It would detect what project the user was working on and offer suggestions. Although the technology was fairly advanced, the majority of users found it very annoying. Microsoft retired Clippy in 2001 in response to the hatred. The Life of Clippy
  • iCalm

    iCalm was created in 2007 based on data collected from the galvactivator. “The iCalm was a low-cost, low-power, wireless device capable of tracking changes in several autonomic processes such as electrodermal activity and heart rate. The device was designed to potentially aid with sleep monitoring, weight loss, stress monitoring, physical activity tracking, autism education, product testing, and even video game interfaces.” (Yonck, p.58)
  • Pepper

    Pepper was the first commercially available social robot. She has voice and face recognition capabilities as well as the ability to speak 7 languages. Pepper can even access people's mood by analyzing their speech and body language. She can be utilized in businesses or as a companion. Pepper Interview
  • Jibo

    Jibo was introduced in 2014 and it quickly generated the most successful robot crowdfunding. Advertised as a social robot for the home, Jibo can take family pictures, relay messages, and even read bedtime stories to kids.
  • Inventor AI

    Inventor AI
    I believe in the near future, AI will begin to invent new things. I don't necessarily think that they will just start doing it one day, rather I think someone can program them to experiment with different things and recognize if something would have value. Along these lines, I think we will soon be hearing about AI discovering new findings. I believe we could have AI sort though extensive data and find patterns we humans may not recognize.
  • AI in human minds

    AI in human minds
    I believe in 100 years it will be common for individuals to have AI chips implanted into their brains. I think this would give humans the ability to communicate to each other via the chip and be able to think a question and the chip will give you a response. It would be cool if the AI chip could assess your healthy and pin point illnesses in you r body like cancer. Maybe even release meds when it sees a need.