AI 1970

By Wi112
  • Concept of Robots

    Concept of Robots
    Karel Kapek, a Czech writer, coined the term "robot" in his play Rossum's Universal Robots. His play was about factory-made people, and it projected the first instance of robots taking over the human world.
  • First AI

    First AI
    William Grey Walter invented the first autonomous robots in the history of automation.
  • Turing Test

    Turing Test
    Computer scientist Alan Turing proposes a test for machine intelligence. If a machine can trick humans into thinking it is human, so it has intelligence.
  • First Game-Playing AI

    Arthur Samuel created the first-ever game-playing program for checkers competing against human players.
  • AI Born

    AI Born
    John McCarthy an American computer scientist, and his team proposed holding an "artificial intelligence" workshop in 1955.

    First Industrial robot UNIMATE goes to work at GM replacing humans on the assembly line

    Pioneering chat bot developed by Weizenbaum at MIT holds conversation with human.
  • Shaky First Mobile Robot

    From 1966 to 1972, the project was in operation. The project was an approach to connecting various AI fields with navigation and computer vision.

    The creation of SHRDLU, it was one of the first natural language computer programs programs created by Terry Winograd.
  • AI Winter

    Many false starts and dead-ends leave AI out in the cold.