Wilson’s Presidency term
The 28th president of the US, he served march 4th1913 to arch 4th 1921. Negotiated the Treaty of Versailles, and created League of Nations (even against the will of congress). Women's voting rights, Steps towards world peace, and middle class reforms are major events that took place during his presidency. -
Great Migration timeframe
1915-1970. About 6 million african-americans moving towards the north for opportunity, work, and to escape racist viewpoints of the south. -
The Lusitania was a British ocean liner with about 850 crew members and about three times the amount of passengers. It was sunk on May 7th 1915 by a german U-boat, this is believed to be the main cause of the US to enter WW1. -
Jeannette Pickering Rankin
Jeannette Pickering Rankin was born June 11,1880 and lived till May 18,1973. She was elected as a Rep for Montana in 1916 and again in 1940. She was also one of the few suffragists that were elected into congress. -
Selective Service Act
All men between the ages 21-and 30 must register for military service. -
Espionage Act
Made it illegal to support US enemies while in war against them, nothing that would/could compromise the military while fighting. (No spying) -
Lenin led a Russian Revolution
Both the 6th and 7th of november, was a period of revolution which leftist revolutionists were lead by and with Bolshevik Revolution. -
Sedition Act
Made it a crime to willfully print, speak, or wright against the government. Especially with the effect that would interfere with government bonds. -
Influenza (flu) epidemic
1918 to 1919, this flu killed about 20-40 million people. The Avian Flu became a widespread epidemic that infected over 1/3 of the total worlds population. It is said to have killed more people then the Great War (WW1) -
Wilson’s 14 points
Wilson used these 14 points to base the compromise for negotiating the Treaty of Versailles. They were about how to gain and maintain peace in europe. It advocated for international relationships to create and support peace as an option. -
Schenck vs. US
Enforced that the Espionage Act did not violate the first amendment right if those words proved to be a societal danger. -
US Senate rejects Treaty of Versailles
The senate rejects the Treaty of Versailles Wilson had failed to comply with the senators discontent with his plan. They rejected the vote 39 to 55 much less then the 2/3's supermajority that is required. -
19th Amendment
Women's suffrage was granted, and no state or governing body of the US could infringe any voting rights on the premise of the individual's gender. -
John Gabel Invents the Jukebox
Mid 1920' John Gabel's Jukebox dominated the market, it offered the opportunity of operating and playing multiple different records. The term juke meaning rowdy or disorderly. -
Boxing mostly became an international sport, it had been around since the stone ages. Sports like boxing were valued more during this time due to people becoming sick of war and needing/wanting entertainment and pastime. -
Teapot Dome Scandal
Happened from 1921 to 1923. This involved the bribing of US Presidents Warren G. Harding's administration, to permit the ability to tap into military oil (mining) reserves. -
Flapper Dresses
Started around 1920 the style was all but fully adapted by 1925. This Style was mostly a non-fitted lower neckline and higher skirt look. The skirt had fringes/tiers of fabric that would separate and move separately while dancing especially. Generally worn with a shorter or bun hairstyle. -
Alice Solves the Puzzle
Released in 1925 by Disney Brothers Cartoon Studio, Alice Solves the Puzzle that introduces the character Bootleg Pete- the early form of Pegleg Pete. He is the villain in the short story, who is on the beach. And the main character, Alice and her cat (Julius), are there and alice couldn't figure out the last part to her crossword puzzle. So Pete orders her to give him the puzzle and a chase scene continues. In the end Pete does not get the crossword puzzle but is rushed away by alice's cat.