Fertile crescent farming

Agriculture History 6/7

  • 1493

    English People Plant Melooons

    English People Plant Melooons
    English colonists plant grain, potatoes, pumpkins and melons
  • 1494

    From Indians to Jamestown with Love

    From Indians to Jamestown with Love
    Indians teach Jamestown settlers how to grow corn
  • Huonkey

    George Washington breeds the first mules in the US
  • Louisiana

    Louisiana Purchase, a port for American farmers
  • Good 'Ol J.D.Steel

    Good 'Ol J.D.Steel
    John Deere manufactures steel plow
  • Development of Commercial Fertilizer Industry

    Development of Commercial Fertilizer Industry
    Sir John Laws founded the commercial fertilizer industry by developing a process for making superphosphate fertilizer
  • Saucy Jars

    Saucy Jars
    Mason jars used for home canning
  • White Liquid Treatment

    White Liquid Treatment
    Pasteurization invented - by Louis Pasteur
  • Thomas' Cold Heart

    Thomas' Cold Heart
    Refrigerated railroad car patented
  • Choo Choo

    Choo Choo
    Transcontinental railroad complete