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Agricultural History

  • "Louisiana Purchase"

    "Louisiana Purchase"
    The Louisiana Purchase was important because it doubled the size of the United States and opened up land for farming.
  • "Agriculture Exports"

    "Agriculture Exports"
    There was a lot of new technology and there was an increase in railroad networks.
  • "Civil War"

    "Civil War"
    This relates to agriculture because over a million farmers left their fields to be a soldier.
  • "The United States Department of Agriculture"

    "The United States Department of Agriculture"
    It educates people on agriculture.
  • "USDA"

    Abraham Lincoln created the USDA ( United States Department of Agriculture.
  • "Homestead Act"

    "Homestead Act"
    Settlers who were willing to farm for 5 years got free land under the Homestead Act. The Homesteads Act offered 160 acres of land.
  • "Post-war Agriculture"

    "Post-war Agriculture"
    Since the war destroyed most land a lot of people had nothing so a system of sharecropping evolved.
  • "Westward Expansion"

    "Westward Expansion"
    Half of the Americas people moved to the Great Plains.
  • "Agriculture Science"

    "Agriculture Science"
    Farmers started using more advanced tools than they usually use. They would go to Agriculture science schools to learn about better farming.
  • "Scientific Discoveries Reducing the Spread of Diseases"

    "Scientific Discoveries Reducing the Spread of Diseases"
    Scientists discovered a new way to kill animal and plant diseases.
  • "Early Agriculture science Research"

    "Early Agriculture science Research"
    Discovered new crops for American farmers to grow.
  • "Science changes the Numbers of People Needed to farm"

    "Science changes the Numbers of People Needed to farm"
    Since there is farming technology coming out farmers don't need as many people to farm.