Ageism in American and the Workplace

  • The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (ADEA)

    Probitited employment discrimination for people 40 years and older.
  • Aging with Television: Images on Television Drama and Conceptions of Social Reality

    George Gerbner writes that older men and women tend to be portrayed at one-dimensional in TV and films. In his study, he found that the older people were portrayed very negatively. They were shown as unhealthy, not stable financially, not sexually active, close-minded, not good at getting things done, etc.
  • EEOC vs. Wyoming

    Upholds the constitutionality of ADEA as it applies to state and local governments. The Supreme Court ruled that state and local governments cannot discriminate against employees and job applicants based on their age.
  • The Older Workers Benefit Proctection Act of 1990

    Amended the ADEA to prohibit employers from denying benefits to older employees
  • O'Connor v.Consolidated Coin Caterers Corp.

    The Supreme Court ruled that to show unlawful discrimination under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, a discharged employee, or plaintiff, does not have to show that he or she was replaced by someone outside of the protected age group (under 40).
  • Senator John Breaux, Chairman 2002, Special Senate Committee Hearing on Aging

    "It is clear that the media's obsession with youth often comes at the expense of older Americans. In the quest to target youth, media and marketing have ignored the purchasing power and preferences of millions of baby boomers and seniors across the country"
  • Equal Employment Opportunity Commission issued new rule to amend ADEA

    New ruling challenges employers to defend against age discrimination claims