
Age Of Napoleon

  • Napoleon was born

  • Start of the french revolution

    Start of the french revolution
    Storming of the bastille was considerd start of the french revolution
  • Period: to

    The reign of terror

  • Battle of Toulon

    Battle of Toulon
  • Period: to

    Egyptian campaign

  • 18 brumaire coup

    18 brumaire coup
  • First consul for life plebiscite

    First consul for life plebiscite
  • napoleonic code

    napoleonic code
  • Napoleons coronation

    Napoleons coronation
  • battle of trafalgar

    battle of trafalgar
  • battle of austerlitz

    battle of austerlitz
  • Period: to

    continental system

  • Period: to

    peninsular war

  • retreat from moscow

    retreat from moscow
  • Period: to

    Invasion of russia

  • exile to elba

  • Period: to

    hundred days

  • battle of waterloo

    battle of waterloo
  • exile to st helena

    exile to st helena
  • battle of leipzig

    battle of leipzig
  • death
