Age of Exploration Timeline Activity

By Pavel V
  • Period: 1500 to

    Age Of Exploration Timeline Activity

    By: Pavel Villegas, Adrian Ulloa, Bill Phan and Jingyi Han
  • 1507

    The Naming of The New World

    The Naming of The New World
    1507: A German mapmaker named Novus Mundus names the “new world” america.
  • 1519

    Herman Cortes lands in Mexico

    Herman Cortes lands in Mexico
    1519: Herman Cortes lands in Mexico and formally claims the land for the Spanish to live and start a new world in.
  • 1522

    The Vittoria Ship

    The Vittoria Ship
    1522: Ferdinand Magellan's ship named The Vittoria completes its first trip around the entire globe.
  • 1533

    Francisco Pizarro

    Francisco Pizarro
    1533: Francisco Pizarro executes the last Inca emperor. Quickly after the Spanish colonizers spread and moved throughout Peru, Ecuador, and Chile.
  • 1534

    Jacques Cartier

    Jacques Cartier
    1534: Jacques cartier discovers Anticosti Island and Prince Edward Island
  • English Merchants Find

    English Merchants Find
    1600: English merchants found the east India company, which would fund exploration of the east indies, east Asia, and trade with the Americans.
  • The Dutch East India Company

    The Dutch East India Company
    1602: The Dutch East India Company was founded. It was a big company that sent many different ships to Asia to buy spices and sell them back in Europe.
  • Jamestown Settlement

    Jamestown Settlement
    1607: The English created and supported Jamestown in Virginia which would be the first permanent English settlement in the Americas.
  • Henry Hudson

    Henry Hudson
    1610: Henry Hudson, who was known for sailing for the Dutch, who found what is now known as Hudson Bay in Canada. His exploration helped open up North America for further exploration and furthering the economy of North America.
  • The First Pilgrims in Plymouth

    The First Pilgrims in Plymouth
    1620: The Pilgrims first made their way at Plymouth, Massachusetts. They were English people who traveled on the ship Mayflower and started another new colony in America, They are famous for the Thanksgiving story.
  • British Take Over In America

    British Take Over In America
    1663: The British took control of New Amsterdam and renamed it New York. This happened after a war between the British and the Dutch.
  • Pierre Le Moyne d'Urberville

    Pierre Le Moyne d'Urberville
    1699: French explorer Pierre Le Moyne d'Urberville established the colony of Louisiana in the United States.
  • The Invention of the Steam Engine

    The Invention of the Steam Engine
    1712: Marked a significant advancement in technology, laying the groundwork for the Industrial Revolution.
  • Vitus Bering's First Expedition

    Vitus Bering's First Expedition
    1728: Demonstrated that Asia and North America were separate by sailing through the Bering Strait.
  • Captain James Cook's First Voyage

    Captain James Cook's First Voyage
    1768-1771: Charted New Zealand and the east coast of Australia, among other Pacific explorations.
  • James Watt's Improvement of the Steam Engine

    James Watt's Improvement of the Steam Engine
    1769: Watt's enhancements made the steam engine more efficient, further fueling the Industrial Revolution.
  • First Partition of Poland

    First Partition of Poland
    1772: Significantly altered the European political landscape by partitioning apart Poland among Russia, Prussia, and Austria.
  • The Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of Independence
    1776: The American colonies declared their independence from Britain on July 4, 1776.
  • Montgolfier Brothers First Hot Air Balloon Flight

    Montgolfier Brothers First Hot Air Balloon Flight
    1783: Achieved the first manned flight in a hot air balloon on June 4, 1783, in Annona, France.
  • First Fleet Arrives in Australia

    First Fleet Arrives in Australia
    1788: Marked the beginning of British colonization in Australia, with the fleet arriving at Botany Bay on January 26, 1788.