Age of Exploration Timeline by Amanda Tran p.3

  • 1500


    Pedro Cabral landed in South America, eventually establishing claims on present-day Brazil.
  • Period: 1500 to

    Age of Exploration Timeline

  • 1502


    Christopher Columbus traveled all the way across the Atlantic and reached Panama on his last voyage.
  • 1518


    First enslaved Africans were transported in a Spanish ship from West Africa to America. This was the beginning of the triangular trade, also known as the Middle Passage, and the Civil War.
  • 1520


    Ferdinand Magellan was the first person to completely sail around the globe passing through a waterway later named the Strait of Magellan.
  • 1521


    Hernán Cortés returned to Tenochtitlan, the Aztec capital, to defeat the natives and take their land.
  • 1524


    Giovanni da Verrazzano explored the east coast of North America and found New York Harbor.
  • 1531


    Francisco Pizarro landed and explored the Pacific coast of South America.
  • 1535


    Francisco Pizarro successfully conquered the Inca empire and established a colony for the Spanish Empire.
  • 1577


    Francis Drake became the first person to circumnavigate the earth.
  • Dutch

    The first Dutch ships arrived in India.
  • Dutch

    In 1602 the Dutch East India Company was formed. They dominated the spice trade and created massive profits for Dutch merchants.
  • French

    Samuel de Champlain founded Quebec making it the 1st permanent French settlement in America.
  • English

    Henry Hudson explored the Atlantic coast traveling up a massive river later named after him, the Hudson Bay. He paved the way for English claims on Canada.
  • Dutch

    The Dutch West India Company was founded in 1621.
  • Decrease in Native Americans

    Due to European settlers bringing new diseases to the new land, Native Americans had no immunity and died. Their population dropped from 25 million in 1500 to 1 million.
  • Dutch

    Abel Tasman sailed south of Australia and found present-day Tasmania and New Zealand
  • British

    By the 1650's the British established many trading posts. The English transported Indian goods from them to the East Indies. Then they were traded for spices and shipped back to England.
  • English

    In 1664 the English seized the New Netherland colony from Dutch and the Dutch West India Company went bankrupt.
  • French

    Louis-Antoine de Bougainville traveled through the Strait of Magellan, Tahiti, and Samoa and proved Espiritu Santo was an island.
  • British

    James Cook found and charted out New Zealand