Age of exploration

Age of Exploration Timeline

  • May 29, 1453

    The Fall of Constantinople

    The Fall of Constantinople
    In the 29th of May, 1453. The Ottoman Empire took the city of Constantinople, effectively killing off the Byzantine Empire. The city was a crucially important city not just to the Ottomans, but to the world. Constantinople WAS the link between Europe and the eastern part of the world, given its geographic location. So trade between Asia and Europe took place through the city constantly. However, when the Ottomans took the city, they denied any trade access to Europeans.
  • Period: May 29, 1453 to Jan 1, 1492

    Europe's new dilemma and Slave Trade

    Since the Land route to Asia was cut by the Ottomans. The Europeans had to figure out different ways to get to Asia instead of relying on the sea lane that was going around the African continent. Countries like Portugal struggled. As a result they started exploring regions in the African continent. And seeing that the African continent was rich with slaves, the Portuguese exploited this in order to help them make money. But in doing so they started the transatlantic slave trade
  • Jan 2, 1492

    The kicking out of the Moors form Spain And Christopher Columbus

    The kicking out of the Moors form Spain And Christopher Columbus
    On the 2nd of January 1492, after being ruled by the Moors for almost 800 years now, the Spanish finally managed to drive off the the Moors form the Iberian peninsula. The kin and queen of Spain were in need of money however and not to mention the Ottomans closed Constantinople to the Europeans. Until a man named Christopher Columbus came to them and proposed and idea to sail westward in order to find another route to India.
  • Oct 12, 1492

    The Discovery of the New World

    The Discovery of the New World
    Once Columbus set sail on August 3, 1492, his expedition traveled the Atlantic Ocean until October 12th when they discovered new land. They did not reach India, Columbus realized that he was in new land. At first, he thought that he was in some random isolated island in Japan, however he discovered that the new land was inhabited by people that did not seem to look or seem Japanese, in fact the Inhabitants didn't even look Asian at all.
  • Oct 12, 1492

    Colombian Exchange and Exploration of the new world

    Colombian Exchange and Exploration of the new world
    Christopher Columbus decided to use the indigenous people in the lands as slaves. And soon contributed to the Transatlantic slave trade. Soon after, it was confirmed by Amerigo Vespucci that Columbus did indeed discover new land, in fact a new continent. Once this was confirmed, The king and queen of Spain sent out explorers and conquistadors like Cortes, and Hernando de soto to claim these new lands for the Spanish monarchs and empire.
  • Period: Oct 12, 1492 to

    Colonization Of the New World

    When news of a new continent came became public to the world, empires like the British, French, Dutch and Portuguese quickly scrambled to colonies the New World. Eventually after, continuous wars and colonization. The New World was almost completely dominated by the world powers. Three main motivations of colonization in The Age of Exploration were the three G's. Glory, Gold, and God.
  • Period: Jul 24, 1534 to

    French Territorial possessions and Settlement

    The New French claims made by France were made in 1534. The Claimed territory was not explored until 1603, and was not made into a fully fledged first French settlement until 1608. The locations of the first French settlement is modern day Quebec in Canada
  • The British East India Company

    The British East India Company
    This was an English company that helped the British Empire Gain most if not all of its land from the Pacific east regions. Most notably, India (who would have thought). For example, in the Opium Wars they fought the Chinese to keep the interests of the British Crown.
  • Henry Hudson

    Henry Hudson
    This is the man responsible for the British presence in Canada.
    He made an expedition to make a settlement for the British in Canada, where there was also French presence as well. Which of course led to disputes with the French.
  • Jamestown

    After the failed first attempt of the English to make a permanent establishment in the New World with Roanoke. The English tried again by landing a settlement in eastern Virginia called Jamestown. This was the English's first successful settlement in the New World.
  • Period: to

    The Seven Years War

    Multiple border conflicts with the French expanding their borders in the Americas and British claimed territory led to the 7-years war. The French lost the war and for compensation, they had to give all their North American claims to the British.
  • Period: to

    Industrial Revolution

    With new leaps in technology. The industrial revolution kicked off. No longer were weapons made in the shed of two people or in a government office, they were no made in huge sectors of munition factories. no longer were consumer goods made by yourself, instead a factory makes them and you buy it from them. And instead of working and breaking you back on the field, you break your back on an assembly line. But you get paid money.
  • The Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of Independence
    On the 4th of July, 1776. Congress declared its independence from the British government and crown. Claiming that the British have unfairly placed taxes on them with them elaborating on why. In this Declaration, it brought forth the United States of America.
  • The start of the "Second British Empire"

    The start of the "Second British Empire"
    After the British got defeated in the American revolutionary war. They had the start of, as some people might call it, "Second British Empire". Since they lost the colonies and no longer had a place to harvest raw materials and store prisoners. They had to start finding more place to deal with these issues.
  • The Discovery and colonization of the Pacific regions

    The Discovery and colonization of the Pacific regions
    Even though Columbus didn't make his way through the pacific because of the Americas, the Pacific Ocean was still there. In fact People greatly underestimated the size of the Pacific Ocean. And something that the British realized is that the Pacific Ocean was largely unclaimed by other empires. So, the British made expedition led by Captain James Cook to sail out and claim these regions and islands for the British Empire. These regions we now know to day to be Australia and New Zealand.
  • French Revolution

    French Revolution
    After being in poverty for so long the French people got tired of the French monarchs being so indecisive during France's economic struggles. The French people wanted an end to the French monarchy. However, the rest of Europe looked in utter horror. Continental Europe was always ruled by monarchs, ruled by one person. And now they saw the exact thing that the monarchs feared right in their doorstep. They had to do something...
  • Period: to

    The Coalitions and the Napoleonic wars

    After slaughter that was the revolution, it led to the rise of Napoleon. Soon after he became the leader of France and went to war with the coalition nations, consisting of Britain, Prussia, the Austrians, and later the Russians and Spanish. At first, Napoleon and his Army seemed to be winning the war. But after continuous fighting, over the period of around 12 years, the French finally gave in and surrendered. Even though France lost the Napoleonic Wars.France's monarchy never came back.
  • Period: to

    The Lost French and the British Empire's global colonization

    Since the French had been defeated in the Napoleonic wars. The British had little to no competition when it came to colonization and global power. Colonizing and spreading their influence all over the globe like India, China, Africa and so on.
  • Period: to

    The Opium Wars

    The Opium Wars was a conflict between the Chinese and British where the British were selling Opium in China illegally without the Qing's permission. Unfortunately for the Qing, they lost the wars and were forced to give in to British and French demands.