Jan 1, 1450
Prince Henry the Navigator
He set up the first European school for navigators in Sagorish, Portugaul. He was interested in astonomy.He also designed and built ships., He also sent parties of explorers south along Africas West Coast, They found gold, dust, and ivory. He as well died in 1460. -
May 16, 1473
Bartolomeu Dias
He crossed the equtor. He as well readied ships. He went to Africas East Coast but, winds put him at the tip of the continent. -
May 17, 1492
Christopher Columbus
He believed that the world was round and not flat. For eight years he tried to convince the epedition. Then in 1492 Queen Isabella agreed to support his plan. After that Columbus set sail to Spain with a crew of ninty sailors. Once they reached the island they found indians. As Columbus traveled he discovered some Native Americans smoking tobacco. In 1493, he set sail back to Spain. He took a lot of resources back with him. Columbus made four voyages in all. In 1506 Columbus had died. -
May 17, 1493
Treaty of Tordesillas
The Spanish Monarchs were worried that portgual might try to take from Spain the Riches Columbus had discovered, so they asked the pope for help. So the Pope drew a Papal line of Demarcation(an imaginary line betwween the north pole and the south Pole). The Portugese didnt like the land division so they protested. They all had a meeting and decided that they needed a treaty. the treay moved the line another 800 km up so that the line was dividing the land more equaly. -
May 16, 1497
Vasco De Gama
Led a comvoy of 4 ships to Lisborn Portugual. Had orders form the king to proclaim the christian faith. Went to the cape of good hope.went on the east coast of Africa and went to the island of Mozambique. Forced the Europeans to leave. They went to Malindi. Went to the soutwest coast of India. When the ships reached Lisbon in 1499, he was presented with rewards. His voyage opened the way for later explorations and for the era of increased trade. Before long Libson become a major trading centers -
May 17, 1497
Amerigo Vespucci
He explored the Atlantic Coast of South America. He was one of the first explorers to beleive that he had reached the new world. -
May 18, 1497
John Cabot
He was an Italian navigator. The kung was oersuaded to send John to the far East, by the nourthwest Route. He also explored the coast's of Newfoundland. Last, he established some claims for England in the Americas. -
May 18, 1500
Pedro Cabral
He is from Portugal. He dicovered Brazil and sailed east to India. -
May 17, 1513
Ponce De Leon
Leon sailed north from the island of Puerto Rico to explore Florida. -
May 18, 1513
Vasco Nunez de Balboa
He crossed the isthmus of Panama and became the first Eurpean to see the Great South Sea. -
May 17, 1517
Ferdinand Magellen
Portugal controlled the easter route of the indies and became rich. As a result Ferdinand offered to find Spain, a westeren route to the indies, the king accepted his offer. He wanted to Spain to become as wealthy as Portuagal. In 1519 he set sail from Spain.The following year he set sail through a storm, straight at the tip of South Africa. From there he set sail to the Great South Sea. He renamed it the Paccific Ocean. -
May 18, 1519
Hernan Cortez
He invaded Mexio. He also destroyed the Native American Empire. Then Cortez took the gold from the Native Americans and sent it back to Spain. -
Jun 7, 1523
Giovanni Verrazano
He was an Italian navigator who was hired by the french to find the northwest passage. He sailed along the Atlantic coast from North Carolina to New York.. -
May 17, 1532
Francisco Pizzaro
Pizzaro invaded Peru. Within five years, he controlled the Inca Empire. He took the Ntaives Americans jewls. -
May 18, 1534
Jacques Cartier
He sailed to the Saint Lawence river as far as presetn day montreal. This gave the French a claim to Eastern Canada. -
May 17, 1542
Juan Rodriquez Cabrillp
He explored to what is now SanFransisco. He also made Drakes bay near the east coast of North America -
May 17, 1577
Sir Francis Drake
He was one of the more famous explorers from back in the day. He also was the first explorer to ever sail across the entire world. -
John Davis
He explored the West Coast of Greenland in the search fort he Northwest passage. His goal was to reach Aisa through the passage. -
Henry Hudson
The Dutch sent him to locate the pasage. Along the way he explored the Hudson River and sailed to current day New york. He was sent on a second vayage where he got lost ina storm. He gave the Dutch their claim into the Americas. -
Alvar Nunez Cabeza De Vaca
He was and explorer that explored the Mississippi Valley. He also explored the mouth of the Arkansas River Valley. He was an English explorer as well.