Oct 6, 1271
Marco Polo
Marco Polo inspired others to explore due to his books that he wrote. He also traveled further than anyone else before. -
Oct 6, 1300
The Renaissance
The Renaissance was important because it allowed people to have more money, and be more interested in what else is out there. It also allowed the invention of new tools that sailors could use to explore. -
Oct 22, 1405
Zheng He
Oct 22, 1420
Prince Henry The Navigator
Oct 6, 1456
Fall of Constantinople
The fall of Constantinople allowed the Ottoman empire to take control of the area, and raise the prices of all goods that went through that area. This made people want to find a way to India/China without going through the Ottomans, so people tried to sail around the tip of Africa. -
Oct 22, 1488
Bartolomeu Dias
Oct 22, 1492
Christopher Colombus
Oct 22, 1497
Vasco de Gama
Oct 22, 1499
Amerigo Vespucci
The Vikings
The vikings pillaged, and sometimes traded with coastal villiges. They discovered Iceland, and Greenland, and tricked everyone in going to the icy and cold Greenland, instead of Iceland.