Age of exploration

By Knub
  • 1341

    The launch

    First to launch explatory expeditions early as 1341.
  • 1341

    Cape of good hope

    Prince henry the navigator commissions a journey around Africa’s cape of good hope to Asia.
  • 1341


    Established a series of trading post and forts.
  • Period: 1341 to

    Age of exploration

  • 1431


    They go on to lead missions To South America establishing colonies there.
  • 1492


    Christopher Columbus:searching for the East Indies he embarked on a voyage.
  • 1492


    Columbus discovered the carribian islands but thought it was Asia.
  • 1492


    He began to send voyages regularly to acquire gold and silver to simulate the spainish economy.
  • 1492


    Juan Ponce De Leon explored and claimed Peruto Rico and la Florida for Spain.
  • 1497

    Great Britain

    British sought a a western rout to Asia for trade in’s reasons.
  • 1497

    Great Britain

    Learned about the Silk Road and figured out that the Silk Road was dangourous.
  • 1497

    Great Britain

    John Cabot found present day Canada and New England in 1497.
  • 1497

    Great Britain

    Eventually established colonies in eastern North America (Roanoke,Jamestown).
  • 1534


    Joined the race way later than others to become known.
  • 1534


    Would explore North America at great length(Ohio missisipi rivers Rocky Mountains.
  • 1534


    Claimed most of presen t day Canada and know is know as France.
  • 1560


    Founded the cities of Detroit st Lois and New Orleans.