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Age of Exploration

By asdwasd
  • May 29, 1453

    The Fall of Constantinople

    The Fall of Constantinople
    The Ottoman Empire ends the Byzantine Empire, now all trade coming from Asia via land now must go through even more Muslim tariffs and taxation. This fuels European exploration to find a sea route to Asia.
  • 1471

    Ferando Po sails to the Congo

    First European to discover the Congo.
  • 1487

    Bartolomeu Diaz and Pêro da Covilhã finish their expeditions

     Bartolomeu Diaz and Pêro da Covilhã finish their expeditions
    Bartolomeu Diaz would be the first European Explorer to reach the Southern tip of Africa. Pero da Covilha and his expedition would search the African East Coast, and West India.
  • Oct 12, 1492

    Columbus discovers the Americas

    Columbus discovers the Americas
    Columbus, in an attempt to find a westward route to Asia and due to bad math, accidentally stumbles upon the Bahamas, though he didn't know that.
  • 1496

    John Cabot sails to Newfoundland

    John Cabot sails to Newfoundland
    Alongside his family, he would sail to Newfoundland and lay claim to the area for the British.
  • 1498

    Vasco de Gama sails under Africa

    Vasco de Gama sails under Africa
    The Portuguese captain was sent out to reach the Indian city of Calicut. He went on a great journey, sailing under Africa, exploring the then unknown East coast, before reaching Asia.
  • 1499

    Amerigo Vespucci explores South America

    Amerigo Vespucci explores South America
    The Italian explorer would, alongside his crew, explore the northwestern part of South America. His letters about these lands would confirm for many that this was a new world, and as such, name the continent after him.
  • 1500

    Pedro Álvarez Cabral accidentally discovers Brazil

    On a journey to sail to India, he would be blown off course, and land in Brazil. He would claim the area for Portugal, then would leave to return to his journey to India.
  • 1521

    Herman Cortez Conquest

    Herman Cortez Conquest
    Herman Cortez, over the process of 3 years, would bring down the Aztec Empire. He would take advantage of the Aztec Empire's political crisis and use their vassals against them. Herman Cortez claims its land and vassals in the name of the Spanish Empire.
  • 1521

    Ferdinand Magellan successfully circumnavigates the globe

    Ferdinand Magellan successfully circumnavigates the globe
    Under the sponsorship of the Spanish, he would attempt to find a Western route to Asia, and in turn, he would circumnavigate the whole world. Though he would be killed in the Philippines, his crew would still manage to return to Spain in one piece.
  • 1533

    Francisco Pizzaro conquers Peru

    Francisco Pizzaro conquers Peru
    Over the course of 3 voyages and 8 years, Francisco Pizzaro would bring down the Inca Empire and integrate the territory into a new colony for the Spanish Empire.
  • 1534

    Jacques Cartier First Voyage

    Jacques Cartier First Voyage
    In a attempt to discover a western passage to Asia, he would explore Northern Canada over the course of 3 voyages. In his first, he would claim Gaspe Bay for the French, take two Iroquois children, and explores the St. Lawrence river.
  • 1536

    Jacques Cartier 2nd voyage

    Jacques Cartier 2nd voyage
    He continued to explore the St. Lawrence river and claimed some parts of it for France. This would be the first time, Canada would called that, from the misinterpretation of the word "kanata".
  • 1542

    Jacques Cartier final voyage

    Jacques Cartier final voyage
    He would further claim land for the French and was there to search for a mysterious kingdom that held untold riches. However, he would be attacked by the local natives to the point where he would flee back to France.
  • 1553

    Foundation of the Muscovy Company

    Foundation of the Muscovy Company
    John Cabot would establish the Muscovy company to search for a northern passage.
  • 1569

    Francis Drake participates in Slavery

    Francis Drake participates in Slavery
    Over the course 7 years, Francis Drake would be part of a sea crew that would raid the Spanish and Portuguese slave ships, making extreme profit from them. However on his last journey, he would almost die and would swear off ever participating in the Slave trade ever again.
  • 1573

    Francis Drake attacks the Spanish

    Francis Drake attacks the Spanish
    In his first major independent voyage, Francis Drake would launch raids on the Ismuth of Panama and planned on stealing Spanish riches. He would succeed in his attacks, and become a English hero.
  • 1580

    Francis Drake circumnavigates the Globe

    Francis Drake circumnavigates the Globe
    Starting in 1577, Francis Drake would circumnavigate the globe, raiding the Spanish American western coast, exploring Baja California, and finally arriving back to Plymouth.
  • British East India company established

    British East India company established
    The queen would accept a petition for the formation of the "Governor and Company of Merchants of London trading into the East Indies", and they would own a monopoly on British trade with Asia and China.
  • Dutch East India Company establishment

    Dutch East India Company establishment
    The Dutch Republic faced consistent competition in the West Indies by other countries, and with the establishment of the British East India company, the Dutch decided to create their own trading company. The Dutch East India company owned a monopoly on the spice trade, where prices would drive prices to 14-17 times the price.
  • Jamestown established

    Jamestown established
    104 English men and boys would form the first English colony in North America and would name it after King James I.
  • The Founding of Quebec

    The Founding of Quebec
    Samuel de Champlain would establish the settlement of Quebec that controlled the narrowing St. Lawrence river Estuary. Though not the first French settlement, it's most likely its most recognizable French colony in America.
  • New Netherlands established

    New Netherlands established
    Due to a new golden age in the Dutch Republic, they would establish a new colony in the Americas, and would be formed from Fort Nassau, the first Dutch settlement.
  • Plymouth established

    Plymouth established
    Pilgrims arrive in Mayflower in 1620 in New England and establish Plymouth.
  • Period: to

    Navigation Acts

    The Navigation Acts would reinforce the economic policy of Mercantilism of the British Empire. It banned all colonies from trading with ALL other countries and other colonies.
  • Treaty of Madrid

    Treaty of Madrid
    The English and Spanish territorial disputes would be settled with this Treaty, weakening Spanish power by forcing them to recognize English territory in the Americas.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    In the Treaty of Paris, French power in India was erased, bringing way to British hegemony in India and British complete control over the subcontinent. In America, French influence would be limited to the Caribbeans while New France would be split up between the British and Spanish. Spain would take Louisiana in the peace treaty, while Britain would take all of New France, push its borders all the way to the Mississippi, and seize Florida.