Age of Exploration

  • 1341

    Portugal begins exploration

    Portugal begins exploration
    Portugal attempts to go around Africa to get to India.
  • 1488

    Bartholomew Diaz travels for Portugal

    Bartholomew Diaz travels for Portugal
    Bartholomew Diaz rounded the Cape of Good Hope, the tip of Africa, to go to India
  • 1491

    Portugal reaches India

    Portugal reaches India
    After 150 years, Portugal successfully reaches India
  • 1492

    Columbus is given permission to explore

    Columbus is given permission to explore
    The king and queen of Spain promise Columbus he’d be given the role as Admiral of the Ocean Sea if he successfully found a way to India.
  • Aug 3, 1492

    Christopher Columbus travels for Spain

    Christopher Columbus travels for Spain
    Spain lets Christopher Columbus travel to India on their behalf.
  • Oct 12, 1492

    Columbus finds America

    Columbus finds America
    Columbus finds America, thinking it is India
  • 1497

    Great Britain begins exploration

    Great Britain begins exploration
    Great Britain begins exploring using Spain’s route and land farther north than Columbus
  • 1498

    Portugal began colonizing

    Portugal began colonizing
    Portugal began building trade ports along their travel route to India
  • 1530

    Jacques Cartier travels for France

    Jacques Cartier travels for France
    Jacques Cartier explored part of eastern Canada
  • 1534

    France begins exploration

    France begins exploration
    France begins exploration with Spain’s route and end up in modern-day Canada
  • 1534

    France finds America

    France finds America
    France lands in America and begins building settlements
  • The Lost Colony of Roanoke Founded

    The Lost Colony of Roanoke Founded
    The Lost Colony of Roanoke is founded and is an unsuccessful attempt at establishing a settlement in the new territory.
  • France establishes Port-Royal

    France establishes Port-Royal
    Port-Royal is the first French colony in America
  • Great Britain successfully creates settlement

    Great Britain successfully creates settlement
    After several unsuccessful trips and attempts at settlement, Great Britain establishes a settlement in Northern America named Jamestown
  • Samuel de Champlain Explores for France

    Samuel de Champlain Explores for France
    Samuel de Champlain explores for France and establishes Quebec City
  • End of Age of Exploration

    End of Age of Exploration