Age of Exploration

  • Oct 12, 1492

    Christopher Columbus "discovers" the America's

    Christopher Columbus "discovers" the America's
    With the intention of going to Asia, Columbus discovers America by accident assuming it was India.
  • May 29, 1500

    Bartholomeu Diaz

    Bartholomeu Diaz
    He was the first European that's known to sail around the Southern tip of Africa and he witnessed the discovery of future Brazil.
  • Oct 3, 1500

    Map making

    The art and science of map making had reached the point where Europeans had fairly accurate maps of the areas they explored.
  • Apr 25, 1507

    A German mapmaker names the new world "America"

    A German mapmaker names the new world "America"
    A German map maker reads reports about Columbus "New World", written by Italian sailor Amerigo Vespucci. The mapmaker names the region America, and the Caribbean islands initially explored are named the West Indies.
  • 1511

    Portugal seizes Malacca

    After Da Gama successfully set up the trading post, the Portuguese started to capture key ports around the Indian Ocean. They seized Malacca which allowed them to become allies with Asian leaders.
  • 1519

    Conquest of Mexico

    Conquest of Mexico
    Hernan Cortez sailed from Cuba to Mexico, in search for gold and silver.
  • 1519

    Conquer of Mexico

    Hernan Cortez conquers the capital city.
  • 1522


    The Vittoria completes it's circumnavigaton of the globe took 3 years
  • 1522

    Ferdinand Magellan

    Ferdinand Magellan
    He was a Portuguese explorer who organized the Spanish expedition. He set out from Spain in 1519 with a fleet of five ships to discover the western sea route to the Spice Islands.
  • 1524

    Giovanni da Verrazzano

    Giovanni da Verrazzano
    King Francis I of France asks Verrazano to explore and find a new trade route in the New World with the goal of finding a sea route to the Pacific Ocean. Although Verrazano attempted first in 1523, he was delayed and finally landed near the area of Cape Fear on about March 21st.
  • Aug 29, 1533

    Francisco Pizzaro executes the last Inca emperor

    Francisco Pizarro, inspired by Cortez, arrives in Peru and promptly captures and executes the Inca emperor. Then the Spanish spread across Ecuador and Chile.
  • Apr 20, 1534

    Jacques Cartier

    Jacques Cartier
    King Francis I of France commissioned Cartier to lead an expedition to the "Northern Lands" to find a western passage to Asia to collect riches such as Gold
  • 1538

    Battle of Las Salinas

  • 1577

    Francis Drake

    Francis Drake
    He was from England and was chosen as the leader of an expedition which was intended to pass around South America. Drake successfully completed the journey and was knighted by Queen Elizabeth upon his return.
  • Triangular Trade

    A series of trade routes that linked Europe, Africa and America.
  • English Merchants found the East India Company

    A group of English merchants hoped to exploit trade in East, Southeast Asia, and India
  • Landing of the Pilgrims at Plymouth

    The Pilgrims who rejected the church of England began the establishment of colonies along the eastern seaboard.
  • Exploration

    Medard Chouart des Groeiliers explores the entire western shore of Lake Michigan
  • War

    War of Austrian succession begins.
  • England and France

    Seven years of war between England and France