Age of exploration

  • Oct 6, 1000


    The significance of vikings coming to America is because they dont get enoug credit of being the first to discover America..
  • Dec 8, 1271

    Marco Polos Journey in China

    Marco Polos Journey in China
    Tales of exotic land and travels inspires people
  • Sep 15, 1419

    Henry the Navigator

    Henry the Navigator
    Portugal wanted a sea route from Arica to India
  • Oct 6, 1433

    Zehng He

    Zehng He
    wanted to assert chinas power over wealth
  • Feb 22, 1453

    Fall Of Constantonople

    Fall Of Constantonople
    Becomes part of ottoman empire
  • Aug 7, 1488

    Bartholomeu Dias

    Bartholomeu Dias
    Sailed to the bottom of africa wich showed it was possibe to get around but he didnt becuse of bad weather.
  • Apr 15, 1497

    Vasco De Gama

    Vasco De Gama
    Vasco de Gama sails around Africa and reaches India the first to make it around to india