Age of exploration

Age of Exploration

  • 1200 BCE

    Leif Eriksson

    Leif Eriksson
    One of the most famous Nose explorers was Leif Eriksson. In 1200 CE, he discovered Greenland.
  • 950 BCE

    Norse Vikings

    Norse Vikings
    Norse sailors explored as early as the 10th century and settled in areas of present day Greenland and Canada.
  • Feb 8, 1453

    Spice Trade Profit

    Spice Trade Profit
    The Spice Trade profit refers to the trade between historical civilizations in Asia, Northeast Africa, and Europe. These spices included cinnamon, ginger, pepper, turmeric, and many more.
  • Feb 8, 1479

    Ferdinand and Isabella

    Ferdinand and Isabella
    Ferdinand and Isabella were kind and queen of Aragon in 1479. They resumed the reconquest dormant for more than 200 years and in 1492, they captured Grenada.
  • Feb 8, 1490

    Reconquista of Spain

    The Reconquista of medieval of Spain and Portugal were a series of campaigns by Christian states to recapture territory from the Muslims who had occupied most of the Iberian Peninsula from 718-1492
  • Feb 7, 1492

    European Exploration and Expansion

    European Exploration and Expansion
    After the collapse of the Byzantine Empire, it cut off Europe from overland trade with East Asia. The extensive colonization began in 1492 with Christopher Columbus.
  • Feb 7, 1492

    Christopher Columbus

    Christopher Columbus
    Began the Spanish expedition by sailing West to find a new trade route to the Far East. Inadvertently landed in "The New World".
  • Feb 8, 1492

    Columbian Exchange

    Columbian Exchange
    European governments gained control of the Western Hemisphere which effected the landscape population and plant and animal life.
  • Feb 8, 1492

    Post 1492 Era (a.k.a Columbian Exchange)

    Post 1492 Era (a.k.a Columbian Exchange)
    This caused dramatic widespread of human populations, diseases, ideas and cultures between the Afro-eurasian and American hemispheres after Columbus's voyages to the Americas.
  • Feb 8, 1497

    Vasco da Gama

    Vasco da Gama
    He sailed around the cape of good hope to India and eventually helped European trade in the Indian Ocean.
  • Feb 8, 1519

    Ferdinand Magellan

    By circumnavigating the globe, he proved the world was round.
  • France and The Age of Exploration

    France and The Age of Exploration
    France became a pivotal power and founded several colonies in the Americas such as Eastern North America, a number of Caribbean Islands, and small Coastal parts of South America.
  • Portugal and The Age of Exploration

    Portugal and The Age of Exploration
    Portugal became a political power and colonized Brazil. Portugal tried colonizing coasts of present day Canada and settled for extended periods on the northwest bank of the River Plate.
  • Prince Henry the Navigator

    Prince Henry the Navigator
    When Henry was 21 years old, his father and brothers captured the Morrish Port of Ceuta in Northern Morocco. They sold the villagers in the African Slave Trade. He organized and financed several voyages which led to the rounding of Africa and the establishment of sea routes to the Indes.