Age of Exploration(1500-1800)

  • 1488

    Bartolomeu Dias discovers the Cape of Good Hope.

    Bartolomeu Dias discovers the Cape of Good Hope.
    Portuguese explorer Bartolomeu Dias leads the first European expedition to the Cape of Good hope opening the sea route to Asia from the Atlantic and Indian oceans.
  • Oct 12, 1492

    Christopher Columbus discovers America

    Christopher Columbus discovers America
    Christopher Columbus arrives on the shores of the Americas opening up a new world to be explored.
  • 1494

    Treaty of Tordesillas

    Treaty of Tordesillas
    The Treaty of Tordesillas is signed dividing the world in half. Giving territories east of the line to Portugal and west of the line to Spain
  • 1497

    Vasco da Gama becomes to travel from Europe to India along the Cape of Good Hope

    Vasco da Gama becomes to travel from Europe to India along the Cape of Good Hope
    Vasco da Gama becomes to travel from Europe to India by rounding the newly discovered Cape of Good Hope proving the route is possible. The new route introduced new competition to Europe.
  • Jun 24, 1497

    John Cabot explores the Newfoundland Coastline

    John Cabot explores the Newfoundland Coastline
    John Cabot makes the earliest known European exploration of the coasts of North America on behalf of England.
  • Apr 22, 1500

    Pedro Álvares Cabal discovers Brazil

    Pedro Álvares Cabal discovers Brazil
    Portuguese sea captain Pedro Álvares Cabal lands in South America becoming the first European to reach Brazil and establishing claim to what would later be known as Brazil.
  • 1502

    Amerigo Vespucci discovers the new continent

    Amerigo Vespucci discovers the new continent
    Amerigo Vespucci figured out that Columbus actually landed on a new continent. The name America comes from Amerigo Vespucci's name
  • 1521

    Hernán Cortés conquers the Aztecs

    Hernán Cortés conquers the Aztecs
    Hernán Cortés along with 550 soldiers, 16 horses, and the help of nearby city states conquers the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan. As a result, Spain control of Mexico.
  • 1522

    Ferdinand Magellan circumnavigates the globe

    Ferdinand Magellan circumnavigates the globe
    Ferdinand Magellan's crew arrive back at Spain becoming the first to travel completely around the globe
  • 1524

    Giovanni da Verrazano charts the eastern coast of North America

    Giovanni da Verrazano charts the eastern coast of North America
    In January 1524, he sailed the aboard the La Dauphine and explored the eastern coast of north America. He made several discoveries including present day New York and the Narragansett Bay.
  • 1534

    Francisco Pizzaro conquers the Inca

    Francisco Pizzaro conquers the Inca
    Francisco Pizzaro conquers the Inca and executes their leader, Atahualpa. Furthering Spain's control of South America.
  • 1535

    Jacques Cartier sails up the St. Lawrence river

    Jacques Cartier sails up the St. Lawrence river
    French explorer Jacques Cartier sails up the St. Lawrence river claiming the area for France.
  • 1541

    Hernando de Soto reaches the Mississippi river

    Hernando de Soto reaches the Mississippi river
    Spanish conquistador Hernando de Soto while exploring southeastern United States becomes the first European to reach the Mississippi river. Exploring the Americas further than ever before.
  • 1580

    Francis Drake circumnavigates the globe in a single expedition

    Francis Drake circumnavigates the globe in a single expedition
    Francis Drake becomes the second person to circumnavigate the world preying on Spanish ships along the way. Francis Drake's accomplishment shows how circumnavigating the world has become easier.
  • East India Company founded

    East India Company founded
    The East India Company is established as a trading body for English Merchants specifically to participate in the East Indian spice trade. It expanded international trade.
  • Dutch East India Company

    Dutch East India Company
    The Dutch East India Company is established to protect the Dutch Republic's trade in the Indian ocean and to assist the Dutch war of independence.
  • Willem Janzoon discovers Australia

    Willem Janzoon discovers Australia
    Along his voyage, Dutch explorer Willem Janzoon maps the coast of Australia and discovers a new continent.
  • Jamestown, Virginia

    Jamestown, Virginia
    The first permanent English settlement in North America is established at Jamestown, Virginia
  • Samuel de Champlain founds Quebec

    Samuel de Champlain founds Quebec
    Samuel de Champlain founds Quebec, the first permanent French settlement in the Americas.
  • Henry Hudson discovers the Hudson Strait

    Henry Hudson discovers the Hudson Strait
    Henry Hudson in search of northeast passage to Asia sails through the Hudson Straight and reaches the Hudson Bay. Mapping many waterways in North America.