Jan 1, 1001
Leif Erikson
Years sailed: 1001-1002 A.D.
Place of Destination: Greenland and present-day Canada
Sailed for the Vikings -
Jan 1, 1271
Marco Polo
Years he sailed: 1271 - 1292
Places of Destination: China and Southeast Asia
Sailed for Italy -
Jan 1, 1420
Prince Henry the Navigator
Years Sailed (Sent Ships): 1420 - 1434
Place of Destination: West Africa
Sailed for the Portugese -
Jan 1, 1488
Bartholomew Dias
Sailed in 1488
Place of Destination: Around the Southern Tip of Africa
Sailed for the Portugese -
Jan 1, 1492
Christopher Columbus
Years Sailed: 1492-193
Place of Destination: The West Indies
Sailed for Spain -
Mar 29, 1493
Jaun Ponce de Leon
Years Sailed: 1493
Place of Destination: Present-day Florida
Sailed for the Spanish -
Jan 1, 1497
Vasco da Gama
Years Sailed: 1497-1499
Place of Destination: India
Sailed for the Portugese -
Jan 1, 1497
Giovanni "John" Cabot
Years Sailed: 1497
Place of Destination: Present-day Canada
Sailed for the English -
Jan 1, 1502
Amerigo Vespucci
Years Sailed; 1503
Place of Destination: South America
Sailed for: Portugese -
Jan 1, 1513
Vasco Nunez de Balboa
Years Sailed: 1513
Place of Destination: The Pacific Ocean
Sailed for the Spanish -
Jan 1, 1518
Hernan Cortes
Years Sailed: 1518-1519
Place of Destination: South America
Sailed for the Spanish -
Jan 1, 1519
Ferdinand Magellan
Years Sailed: 1519 - 1521
Place of Destination: Around the world
Sailed for the Spanish -
Jan 1, 1530
Francisco Pizzaro
Years Sailed: 1530-1533
Place of Destination: Peru, South America
Sailed for the Spanish -
Jan 1, 1534
Jacques Cartier
Years Sailed: 1534 - 1536
Place of Destination: Canada
Sailed for the French -
Jan 1, 1541
Hernando de Soto
Years Sailed: 1539-1541
Places of Destination: Florida, the Carolinas, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Louisiana, and Texas.
Sailed for the Spanish -
Jan 1, 1577
Sir Francis Drake
Years Sailed: 1577 - 1580
Place of destination: The west coast of South America
Sailed for the English -
Henry Hudson
Years sailed: 1607 - 1609
Place of Destination: A northeast passage around Europe
Sailed for the English (3 times) and for the Dutch (2 times)