Oct 28, 1492
Christopher Columbus landed in the coastline of Cuba.
It was Christophers first Voyage. The Captain of the Pinta saved two ships for him self to voyage on his own. -
Jun 7, 1494
Treaty of Tordesillas signed
This was an agreement between Portugal and Spain to divide the americas in two parts in which they would equally share. -
May 20, 1498
Vasco da Gama
Vasco arrived in Calicut Inda. Hindu ruler felt insulted by Vasco because the gifts he brought had no value to him. -
Apr 22, 1500
Pedro Cabral lands in South America
As a mistaken route to India he claimed this land for Portugal and continued his expidition for India. -
Feb 3, 1509
Battle of Diu
In 1509 Portuguese worship defeated Turkish + Indian ships off the coast of India. This lessened the streength of the Indian trade route through the sea -
May 20, 1519
Spanish force was under the command of Hernan Cortes
Spanish force underthe commmand of Hernan Cortes landed at Vera Cruz on the gulf of Mexico. Velázquez then cancelled it and ignored the order and traveled with 500 people and 11 ships to Mexico. -
Dec 13, 1519
Magellan set sail
They had many problems sailing. Magellan wanted to stay far away from portuguses territory. -
Apr 11, 1520
Portugal began expoloration.
Undersensorship of Prine Henery the Navigator. Protuguese fleets began probing southward along the western coast of Africa. They discovered gold in a new source, -
Apr 16, 1520
Fall of 1520
Spain took Montezuma hostage and and began to pillage the city. After cotres arrived, general population led a revolt and drove invaders from the city. -
Fall of the Incas
Landing off the coast of South America, Pizarro landed with 180 along with weapons, gunpowder, and horses.