age of discovery

  • 1415

    The Portuguese seize Ceuta, sparking interest in rounding Africa.

    The Portuguese seize Ceuta, sparking interest in rounding Africa.
    By the 1400s, Portugal is strong enough to expand into Muslim North Africa, and they seize the coastal city of Ceuta in 1415. Their victory inspires Prince Henry, later known as Henry the Navigator, to organize voyages along the western coast of Africa.
  • 1492

    Christopher Columbus lands in the Caribbean.

    Christopher Columbus lands in the Caribbean.
    spain finances Christopher Columbus' voyage to find a western trade route to Asia. Columbus lands in the Caribbean in 1492, falsely believing he had reached East Asia.
  • 1493

    The Line of Demarcation divides the world between Spain and Portugal.

    The Line of Demarcation divides the world between Spain and Portugal.
    Spain and Portugal press rival claims to the lands Columbus explores, and in 1493 Pope Alexander VI steps in to settle things. He makes the Line of Demarcation, which divides the non-European world into two parts.
  • 1494

    Portugal claims Brazil

    Portugal claims Brazil
    Although Spain continues to claim land in South America, a large area remains outside its reach. In the Treaty of Tordesillas, Portugal claims Brazil
  • 1497

    John Cabot lands on the east coast of North America.

    John Cabot lands on the east coast of North America.
    Hoping to find a northwest passage to Asia, John Cabot goes on a voyage from England. When he lands on the east coast of North America, he claims the land for King Henry VII, wrongly believing he is in Asia.
  • 1498

    Vasco da Gama reaches India after rounding Africa.

    Vasco da Gama reaches India after rounding Africa.
    Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama reached India after rounding the southern tip of Africa. Although he lost half his ships and many sailors died, the voyage was very profitable and he returned with a cargo of spices.
  • 1502

    Da Gama forces a treaty on the ruler of Calicut and sets up a trading post.

    Da Gama forces a treaty on the ruler of Calicut and sets up a trading post.
    Thanks to his success in India, da Gama is able to get a new fleet, and in 1502 he forces a treaty of cooperation on the ruler of Calicut. He then leaves Portuguese merchants in Calicut to set up trade with spice merchants.
  • 1511

    Portugal seizes Malacca.

    Portugal seizes Malacca.
    After da Gama's success in setting up a trading post, the Portuguese began to capture key ports around the Indian Ocean. In 1511 they seized Malacca, which let them ally with Asian leaders and established a big foothold in Asian trade routes.
  • 1519

    Hernan Cortés lands in Mexico.

    Hernan Cortés lands in Mexico.
    Spanish explorer and conquistador Hernan Cortés landed on the coast of Mexico with 600 men, 16 horses, and a few cannons. While the Spaniards were vastly outnumbered by the Aztecs, they captured and demolished the capital city of Tenochtitlán in a brutal assault in 1521.
  • 1522

    The Vittoria completes its circumnavigation of the globe.

    The Vittoria completes its circumnavigation of the globe.
    The Vittoria completed the first circumnavigation of the globe, almost three years after setting out. While Ferdinand Magellan lead the initial expedition, he and four other ships did not survive the entire voyage.